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Correspondences can include mail, fax or documents. Correspondences can be added by dragging it to the system if those are available in MS Outlook in the client PC. Otherwise it can be added like a document addition. 

All these correspondences are handled through the correspondence tab. Wrench provides facility for automated handling of the correspondence documents. Automated handling involves storage and retrieval of project related correspondences. Fetch mail facility serves as a mechanism for automated storage and retrieval of project related correspondences. The correspondence Documents can neither be edited nor released through a work flow with a transmittal stage.

Adding correspondence

Single or Multiple correspondence can be added either by dragging the documents to drop-zone or by clicking the Add Files button in the drop-zone.

To drag-drop correspondences

To add files

Operations in the correspondence window

In the correspondence window tool bar options to carry out various operations are available. These options are explained in the following section.

Figure: Correspondence window

Refer Existing: Click this option to refer a correspondence already saved in WRENCH to this project. On clicking Refer Existing, document search window is displayed. Carry out a search operation and select the correspondences that you want to refer in this project. For more information on carrying out a search operation refer Search and find objects.

Download: Click this option after selecting a correspondence to view the selected correspondence.

View: Click this option view the details related to a correspondence. Select the correspondence that you want to view and in the tool bar click View.

Add Reply: Click this option to add a reply to a correspondence. Add Document window is displayed. Enter values for fields in the window and add the reply.

Detach: Click this option to remove a correspondence from the project.

Fetching mails

WRENCH users receive lot of external correspondences sent to them through external providers like MS Outlook etc. Project resources can read these mails as WRENCH correspondence. Further using this facility, user can send the reply to these correspondences from WRENCH. On clicking More button, options to configure project mails and fetch mails between a specific period is available.

To configure project mails

Configuring ageing days

Ageing days can be set for a correspondence.

To set ageing days

Creating distribution lists

Though project resource and external resource can be handled in the correspondence module,  there are scenarios where the user group (distribution list) needs to be created at project level and user level for correspondence which consists of the frequently used resources (Internal and external resources). Hence facility to create distribution list for correspondence is available at project level and user level.

To open distribution list  window

  1. In the Project Properties window click the Correspondence tab.

Figure: Opening distribution list window

  1. Click More and in the menu click Distribution List.

Distribution Lists window  is displayed. Here you can create a distribution list and add resources to the list.

Figure: Distribution Lists window

To create a distribution list

Adding resources to a distribution list

Resources can be added to a distribution list. Work resources and External resources can be added to the distribution list.

To add work resources

To add external resources