Searching for documents
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Opening document search window

Document search page is opened from the global menu.

To open document search window

Searching using additional properties

Search results can be further filtered using additional search criteria. Many document properties can be used as search criteria. You can select the document properties based on which the search results have to be filtered.

To search using additional search properties

Searching for different document types

You can restrict the search operation to Correspondences, Documents, client comments and squad check comments. You can select document types from a drop-down list corresponding to the search property Document Type which is an additional search criteria. Click Search button to carry out a search operation.

Figure: Searching for document types.

To search for correspondence documents

Selecting multiple genealogies

If genealogy is a search criterion while carrying out a document search operation, it is possible to select multiple values for a genealogy.

To select multiple values for a genealogy

Downloading and viewing a document from search results

Documents displayed in the search results window can be downloaded and viewed.

To download the document