Managing Pre-qualification
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Pre-qualification is the procedure for qualifying certified vendors for supplying items to a project. Based on the location of project and list of items to be sourced, vendors are short listed so that they can be invited to participate in bids. Prequalification process is explained in the following sections. Follow the navigation table to view different sections.

Navigation Table



Open Prequalification window and Create a Prequalification

Opening Prequalification window

Publish a Prequalification

Publishing a Prequalification

Enter Prequalification Details

Providing prequalification details

Evaluate Vendors

Evaluating Vendors

Qualify or Disqualify Vendors

Qualifying or Disqualifying Vendor

View Prequalification Details

Viewing Prequalification Details

Opening prequalification window

Prequalification is carried out from the Project. Prequalification window is opened from the Project Properties window.

To open pre-qualification window

To create a pre qualification

Publishing a Prequalification

Once the prequalification details are appropriately furnished, it can be published to the vendors. 

To publish a prequalification

Providing prequalification details

Once a vendor received the notification mail, prequalification details can be provided.

To provide prequalification details

Evaluating Vendors

User may select a single prequalification and consolidate details specified by vendors. Consolidation is not allowed until the ‘Last submission date.

To consolidate a prequalification

Qualifying and Disqualifying Vendors

Single or multiple vendors can be selected and they can be qualified or disqualified..

To qualify vendor

To disqualify a vendor

Viewing Prequalification details

Details of the prequalifications can be viewed from the Vendor Prequalification window.

To view vendor prequalification