Saving and sending the mail
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After assigning the recipients, entering correspondence properties, adding attachments and entering subject and content for the correspondence, the mail is sent to the assigned recipients. Also a message that you are composing can be saved as a draft and finished later.

Figure: Saving and sending message

To save a mail that is being composed

To discard a saved mail

To send the mail

NOTE: In case there is a workflow added to the mail and the workflow is started instead of Send Mail button Send button is displayed.

Viewing Original Mail

A hyper link View Original Mail will be available in the draft’s correspondence for a fetched mail that is work in progress. This will be available until the mail is send and once the mail is sent, this link is no more displayed.

Figure: Viewing Original Mails

On clicking View Original Mail, the original fetched mail will be opened in a separate tab as HTML mail is shown in the following figure.

Figure: Original Mail