Approving timesheet
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One or more group of users  specifically identified as “Time Sheet Approvers”  are responsible for approving the Time Sheets of a selected list of other users. When a Time Sheet entry is made for a particular project, if an approver has been set for a specific user in the project, the time sheet entry will be sent to the approver once the user submits the time log. 

Time logs sent for approval will be available to the respective approvers.

You can access the different topics in this section using the following navigation table.



Open timesheet approval window

Opening timesheet approval window

Approve a timesheet

Approving a timesheet

Reject a timesheet

Rejecting a timesheet

Forward a timesheet

Forwarding a timesheet

Search and retrieve timesheet entries

Searching for timesheet entries

Opening the time sheet approval window

Time Sheet approval is made from the time sheet approval window. When a user submits a time log the approver will get a mail. A hyperlink to directly access the approval tab will be available in mail.

Figure: Opening timsheet approval window

External and Internal link to approve or reject time sheet will be available in the mail. On clicking the hyperlink Timesheet Approver tab is opened and user can approve or reject the time log.

To open time sheet approval window

  1. In the Time Sheet window click Approval tab.

Approve Time sheet window is displayed.

Figure: Time sheet approval window

Time sheet entries sent for approval are displayed in the window. Here you can carry out the following operations:

Approve a Timesheet

Reject a Timesheet

Forward a Timesheet

Search for Timesheet entries

Approving a time sheet

A time sheet approver verifies the time log entries send to them for approval and then approves it.

To approve a time sheet entry

Rejecting a timesheet

The approver rejects the timesheet if there are specific reasons for rejection. Once rejected the creator of the time log rectify the errors and re-submit the time log.

To reject a timesheet

Forwarding a timesheet

In certain organizations work happens over disciplines as well as projects. Therefore, the time spent by the resources will have to be reviewed and approved by two levels of approval authorities. One is the discipline lead and the other is the concerned project manager. The logs submitted by the user will first get submitted to the first level authority and the first level authority will forward them to the concerned second level approval authority.

To forward a timesheet

NOTE: It is possible to forward a timesheet entry if there is a second level of approver.

Searching for timesheet entries

In the timesheet approval window, timesheets submitted for approval are displayed. Once the time sheet is approved it is no more displayed here. Timesheets in Submitted, Reviewed and Rejected status are displayed here. Most recently submitted time sheet entries are displayed on the top. You can search and retrieve specific timesheets you are looking for. 

To search for timesheet entries

Exporting to MS Excel

Time sheet entries sent for approval can be exported to an MS Excel file.

To export to MS Excel