Type Master
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In normal cases drawings and documents are submitted through a transmittal, submittal or package. When documents of similar characteristics are submitted using these submission methods, a submission type can be created with these common characteristics and this can be assigned to the documents that are submitted. When a type is assigned to the submission method, the documents that are submitted inherit these properties.

To add submission types


In the Engineering scenario, the contractor will be sending the drawings to client via transmittal. As per the agreement, the client must review the drawings and send it back to the contractor before a predefined number of days. Users need to be notified about the expected receive back date  based on the ageing days.

To configure notifications

Removing submission types

A submission type added to a project can be removed.

To remove submission types

Viewing submission type properties

Details of a selected submission type can be viewed using the View Properties option.

To view properties

Downloading templates

Transmittal types usually have templates attached to them. You can download and view the templates attached to a transmittal.

To download templates