Adding recipients and a subject
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Recipients are the people to whom the correspondence is addressed and those to whom it is send as a copy for information.

NOTE: WRENCH and externa users and can be assigned as recipients for a correspondence.

Recipients can be typed in or searched and added from a user list

To type in the recipients

Adding Bcc users

In addition to To and Cc users, Bcc users can also be added as recipients. 

To add Bcc users

Importing Resources

User can assign the distribution list created in the master to a correspondence genealogy. On creating a correspondence, resources are automatically populated in To and Cc fields. From this build version, if there is more than one distribution list in Project, facility to select the required distribution list is available.

  1. In the Compose window,click Import Resources.

Distribution List window is displayed. Distribution Lists defined in the Project are displayed here.

  1. Select the required distribution list and click OK.

Resources in the distribution list are assigned to correspondence. To and Cc fields in the window is populated by the users defined in distribution list. Users (Wrench users and External Users) marked as To are displayed in the To field and users marked as Cc are displayed in the Cc field. If user groups are defined in the distribution list, system filters the resources based on the project role and resources are displayed in the respective fields.

In addition,  values can be specified for the following properties.

Reply Required: If the checkbox next to this option is selected, a reply will be mandatory for the correspondence.

Priority: Select a priority for the mail from a drop-down list. Options available are Low, Medium and High. Priority can be changed by users with

Expected Received Back Date: This is the date by which the sender of the mail expects a reply from the recipient of the mail. Select a date from the date picker.

On sending the correspondence, it will be received by To, Cc and Bcc users. Bcc users will not be visible for any recipients in To, Cc and Bcc.