Commenting from WRENCH PDF Viewer
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Facility to comment from the viewer can be configured from the Viewer Settings window. In the Viewer Settings window, there is a column USE THE VIEWER FOR COMMENTING. Values YES or NO can be selected from a drop-down list. By default, this value will be NO

If the setting is ‘YES’ and when the user clicks on ‘Open for commenting’ option from the smart folder/ document details, the document will be opened in WRENCH viewer with commenting facility. 

To comment on Wrench PDF viewer

  1. Open the document and click the button Comment.

Figure: Opening the document for commenting

SmartProject Document Viewer window is displayed.

Figure: SmartProject Document Viewer window

In the window list of users who commented, and origin of the user is displayed. 

  1. Select the checkbox next to a user and click Show. Comment made by the user is displayed.
  2. Enter a comment in the window and click Save Comments to insert a comment.
  3. After all users have made their comments click Consolidate Comments to consolidate the comments. Consolidated Comments window is displayed.

Figure: Consolidated Comments window

  1. Select the consolidated comments and click Attach to consolidate the comments to a single file. The file is attached to the main document as a Consolidated comment file.

Figure: Consolidated comment file