CRS Mapping
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Comment details can be exported or imported using an MS Excel template. For this WRENCH CRS properties are to be mapped with columns in the MS Excel template. This mapping helps the system to identify the excel columns from where data is to be extracted and updated in the corresponding WRENCH property as well as export back to the Excel template.

This mapping is carried out from Project Properties window.

To map template columns

To import CRS 

To import data from excel file saved locally

To import data from attached data file

Exporting CRS Data

CRS values can be exported to a file saved in the disk or an associated file (excel file)  of the document. Select Disk to export the values to an excel file stored in the system. In some cases user adds the CRS template received from the client as a reference document inside the main document. If user want to export the data to an excel file already available in the system, then the option  Wrench is selected.

To export CRS data

  1. In the CRS window tool bar click Export.

Figure: CRS Export Wizard

CRS Export Wizard is displayed. In the wizard options to export to Disk and WRENCH are available.

To export to disk

To export to WRENCH