Forwarding objects in workspace
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In case it it is required to notify a user about the  status of a document, the document can be forwarded. In addition a user who is not a part of the workflow would be able to access the object which is being sent through a workflow. Thus you can send an item to a user who is not in the workflow stage for additional comments or help.

To forward a document

  1. In the document details window click Forward.

Forward window is displayed.

Figure: Forward window

  1. Click To button to select the recipients for the document.
  2. Select an End Date and Alert Date  from a date picker. Due date is a date  that specifies when the activity would be due. Alert date is a date  on which the recipient has to be alerted. 
  3. Click Forward to forward the document or task to the selected users for information.

NOTE: You can forward single and multiple objects using this option.

Forward Settings: You can specify who among the mentioned recipients can forward the task/document information to other users.

To define forward settings

  1. In the Forward window click Forward Settings.

Can Forward window is displayed.

Figure: Can Forward window

  1. Select the check box next to a user to specify that the user can forward the information to others.
  2. Click OK to save selection.

The selected users will be able to forward the received task or document to another user.