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In certain industry scenario, the document approval workflow may not be standard across the organization but specific to each project. For Example: In certain projects, there may be external design consultants but in certain other projects, this will not be there. Hence documents in one project will require workflows with external stages while the same in another project may not require workflows with external stages.  Hence it is required to define the workflows to be used at the project level. In certain project sites after revising, the deliverable should pass through a different workflow team based on the selected issue purpose. To address this, a facility to configure workflow team against Issue purpose is also available.

To define a workflow

  1. In  the Project Properties window click Workflow

On selecting this tab, Workflow window is displayed.

Figure: Workflow window

  1. In the window click Insert Row. A row is inserted.
  2. Click the browse button next to the column Select Genealogy.

Figure: Selecting genealogy

  1. Document Genealogy window is displayed. Select the genealogy from the list displayed in the window.
  2. Select a Workflow Team from the drop-down list.

Figure: Selecting workflow

  1. Select an Issue Purpose if workflow is to be assigned to a combination of Genealogy and Issue Purpose.

Figure: Selecting an issue purpose

  1. Click OK to save changes.

On assigning workflow to a project document, workflow team, genealogy  and Issue purpose configured against  project  is selected by default. On revising the document also, the workflow assigned for genealogy, issue purpose combination is selected by default. 

Rows displayed in the window can also be deleted.

  1. To delete a row, after selecting a row, click Delete Row.
  2. Click OK to delete the selected row.