Bulk Time Posting
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Certain organizations may have established time logging practices and hence may not use the WRENCH timesheets. In such cases, it is required to import the time logs from the external systems to WRENCH. The timesheet data from such external systems may be exported into spreadsheet templates from where it can be imported into WRENCH. In addition to the time log entered in the Timesheet, values available here will also be taken while Resource Booking is made against a resource or role in a project.

To bulk post time log

To edit a time log

To delete time log entries

Importing and Exporting time logs

Import and export of time log entries in bulk can be carried out from the Bulk Time Log posting window. On clicking the option Import/Export in the toolbar a menu with different options is displayed.

Figure: Time Log Import and Export operations

In the menu the following options are available.

Generate Template

Import New



Bulk Operation Log

Different options in this Import/Export menu is explained in the following sections.

Generating a Template

An MS Excel template is used as a medium for importing time log entries. If the radio button next to the option Role is selected then, the import template for importing actual time of roles will be generated. Similarly if the radio button next to the option Resource is selected then template for importing actual time of resources is generated.

To generate a template

Importing time log entries

Time log entries saved in the MS Excel template can be imported to the system.

To import time log entries

Exporting time log entries

Occasionally need to update already saved  time log entries may arise. For updating, time log entries are exported to an MS Excel file and values are updated.

To export time log entries

Updating time log entries

After making necessary changes in the exported time log entries, the updated entries are imported back using the Update option.

To update time log entries

Bulk Operations Log

Bulk operations log provides detailed information on the import/export operations carried out.

To view the log