Bulk Uploading of documents
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A document controller receives multiple transmittals from Consultant, Vendors, and internal documents for record every day. These documents have to be uploaded into WRENCH. Currently user has to select the first batch of documents, wait for the upload to complete, enter the metadata and then complete the operation. Once the first batch is complete user will do the same process for the next batch of documents. This is a time consuming process.

Major time consumed in the above process is for uploading the physical documents. This may take more time depending on the size of the files. To make this process easy, a facility to upload the files in bulk, independent of the bulk add function is required. Using this facility user can keep uploading documents in the background and continue working in the system at the same time. After uploading the documents can be registered in WRENCH.

To bulk upload documents

In the pop-up menu displayed, the following options are available.

The following operations can be carried out from the menu.

  1. Create Documents
  2. Replace Documents
  3. Templates For
  1. For Creating documents
  2. For Replacing current revision documents
  3. For Replacing old revision documents
  4. For Adding attachments
  5. Manage Templates
  1. Import Template

These options are explained in the following sections.

Creating Documents

Using this option, a selected document can be added to SmartProject

To add files to SmartProject

Replacing Documents

Using this option files of existing documents can be replaced. On clicking this option after selecting the documents, the Bulk Upload Document window is displayed. For more information on working with bulk document upload window refer Bulk Update of Documents.

Creating Templates

Templates can be generated for creating documents, replacing documents, replacing old revisions of documents, adding attachments, and managing templates. On placing the mouse pointer over the option Templates For, a pop-up menu with different options is displayed.

Figure: Creating Templates

The option in this menu is explained in the following section.

For Creating Documents: Using this option template for adding documents to SmartProject can be generated and documents can be added using the template. On clicking, this option Download Template wizard is displayed. Here different options for generating an import template is available.

Figure: Downloading Template

For Replacing Documents: Using this option a template that can be used for replacing the documents can be generated.

For Replacing old revision documents: Using this option a template that can be used to replace old revisions of existing documents can be generated. On clicking this option, the following template is generated.

Figure: Template for replacing old revisions

In the template enter values for the following columns.

After entering values in different columns save the file.

For Adding attachments: Using this option an excel template for importing attachments against specified documents in SmartProject can be generated. The generated template is shown in the following figure.

Figure: Template for adding attachments

In the template enter values for the following columns.

After entering values in different columns save the file.

Manage Templates: Using this option custom template that can be used for the ‘Creating Document’ option can be generated. On clicking this option Document Templates-Import window is displayed.

Figure: Document Template for Import

There are no changes in the procedure for creating document import templates.

Importing Using Excel

Different option to import the values in generated excel template is available here. On placing the mouse pointer over this option, a pop-up menu is displayed.

Figure: Importing using excel

Different options in the menu are described in the following section.

Bulk Operations Log

The bulk operations provide the status of the import processes.

Figure: Bulk Operations log window