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Review of documents is a crucial activity during the lifecycle of most documents in projects. Conventionally, reviews are often performed disconnected and hence consolidation of review comments from multiple reviewers is often a difficult task. 

Wrench allows online commenting directly on the PDF copies (Specter) of documents, allowing multiple reviewers to participate in simultaneous reviewing. Once the comments are made, Comments Response Sheet helps in downstream tracking of the comments. 

While managing CRS the following security rights will be applied.

The main topics discussed can be accessed using the following navigation table.



Open CRS window

Opening Comments Response Sheet window

Create CRS Groups

Creating and Managing CRS Groups

Manage CRS Groups

Creating and Managing CRS Groups

Capture Comment Details

Capturing Comment Details

Add responses to a comment

Adding responses to a comment

Update Comments

Updating Comments

Edit Comments

Editing Comments

Edit CRS Details

Editing CRS Details from Grid

Import Comments from Markups

Importing Comments

Import and Export CRS

Importing/Exporting Comments Response Sheet 

Opening Comments Response Sheet window

For managing comment response, first comment response sheet is to be opened.

To open comments response sheet

Creating and managing CRS groups

CRS groups can be created, comments can be added under a group and a group can be  published to required users.

To create a CRS group

To publish a group to selected users

To remove a group

To rename a CRS group

Capturing comment details

Comments details can be captured into the CRS in the following ways.

To add comments manually

Adding responses to a comment

Submitted comments are received by the receiver (normally a contractor) and the contractor incorporates the response against each comment.

To respond to a comment

Updating comments

In contractor-consultant scenario, Contractor prepares the document and send to consultant for approval. Once received by consultant, different engineers will review and mark their comments on the design. Once commented, the lead engineer will review the comments and assign each comment with a ‘Comment Code’ which reflects the relevance and importance of each comment. Based on such comment codes, the final approval status code is then decided.

For handling such scenarios provision to update comment code against each comment is desirable.

To update comments

Editing a comment

A comment can be edited.

To edit a comment

Editing CRS details from the grid

Selecting each CRS and updating it individually is a time-consuming process.  Hence, a facility to update value of the properties from the grid is also available.

To edit the CRS details

  1. Double click on the cells in CRS.  The respective cells will be editable.
  2. Make changes to the values in the cells.
  3. Click an area outside the edited cell to save the modifications.

Values for the following fields can be edited.

Comment Number: When the cell is in edit mode, comment number can be changed.

Commented On: When the cell is in the edit mode, the date can be changed from a date picker.

Priority: When the cell is in the edit mode, user can select a priority from a drop-down list.

Status: When the user creates a CRS, initially the status of the CRS is open. After marking the responses and comments the user in creator origin can change the status to ‘Ongoing’ or ‘Closed’.

Comment: The user can change the comments by double clicking on the comments A user of the origin Creator’ can edit the comments in the status Open, Ongoing and Closed.

Custom Properties: A user of the origin Creator can change the custom properties also from the grid.

A recipient user can only update the response against each comment created by the user in creator origin.

Closing Comments

When engineering designs are reviewed after first draft, there could be many comments (typically 50 to 60 per design). These comments are added to the CRS and once the design is modified as per comments, the person who made the comments will verify the revised design against the comments and close each comment. In practice, the comments are closed in bulk. Hence a facility to select multiple comments and close them together is available.

To close comments in bulk

Reopening Comments

When engineering designs are reviewed there could be many comments (typically 50 to 60 per design). These comments are added to the CRS and once the design is modified based on the comments, the person who made the comments will verify the revised design against the comments.  If there are any disparity in comments, reviewer will update the status as ‘Re-open’ and modify the comment several times. Usually comments are re-opened in bulk.

To reopen comments

Importing Comments

In a typical design review scenario, when multiple people comment in a design, it is consolidated before sending to the designer for making changes. In certain other scenario, the designers themselves consolidate comments before incorporating changes.

SmartProject has native capabilities to help users comment in documents using the document viewer. Once commented, the comments can be pulled into the CRS where it can be consolidated (duplicate/ unwanted comments removed, and any extra comments added). This way, the CRS becomes a single reference for incorporating changes.

When  Adobe Acrobat viewer is used  to create comments inside PDF documents, Acrobat system allows limited external access to the comments using which they can be extracted from the PDF file automatically. But the functionality is limited, and it does not allow any other interactions.

Comments can be imported to CRS.

To import comments

To import comments from PDF files

Importing, Updating and Exporting Comments Response Sheet

Comment details can be exported or imported using an MS Excel template. For this WRENCH CRS properties are to be mapped with columns in the MS Excel template. This mapping helps the system to identify the excel columns from where data is to be extracted and updated in the corresponding WRENCH property as well as export back to the Excel template.

This mapping is carried out from Project Properties window.

To map template columns

To import CRS 

To import data from excel file saved locally

To import data from attached data file

Updating CRS Data

Similar to importing, CRS data can be updated.

To update CRS data

Exporting CRS Data

If there are any disparity in comments, reviewer will update the status as ‘Re-open’ and modify the comment several times. Usually comments are re-opened in bulk.. Select the radio button next to Disk to export the values to an excel file stored in the system. In some cases user adds the CRS template received from the client as a reference document inside the main document. If user want to export the data to an excel file already available in the system, then the option  SmartProject is selected.

To export CRS data

  1. In the grid select the CRS data to export.
  2. In the CRS window tool bar click Import/Export.
  3. In the menu click Export To.
  4. In the pop-up menu displayed click New File.

Figure: CRS Export Wizard

CRS Export Wizard is displayed. In the wizard options to export to Disk and SmartProject are available.

To export to disk

To export to SmartProject