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A schedule is a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the time or dates when they are intended to happen or be done. The project schedule includes all elements of the project from the pre-planning stages of the project through all on-going project processes that may take place during the active project period, to all project related process that may occur at the conclusion and or closing stages of the project. 

Scheduling a task is freezing the schedule dates of the task. A proper scheduling of the tasks is required for the timely completion of a project. Once a task is scheduled the project manager monitors the task to ensure that the activities are carried out as per the defined schedule . Various dates related to the task are defined here. 

In the button strip, on clicking Schedules, schedule details are displayed. These details are explained in the following sections.

Figure: Task - Schedule details

The information in the Schedules window is divided into three sections. They are

Progress Information

Basic Schedules

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Detailed Schedule

Beta Distribution

In conventional planning, the planner decides the start and end dates of all project tasks and the project progress is estimated based on the completion of these tasks (when actual end dates are captured). Here the progress of a task between the start and end is not known. 

Beta distribution technique helps to overcome the inconveniences and overheads involved in planning activities related to a construction project.  Task rules may be automatically created for each week / month between the Start and Finish dates of the task and the estimated progress at each of these week / month can be computed using this technique. 

While calculating the beta distribution, the alpha value and beta value will be decided by the user. For Example: For a steady progressing task,  both alpha and beta values are defined as 1. For a slow starting but faster finish type of tasks (more work in the beginning)  a larger alpha value is assigned. For a task which has quick progress in the beginning,  larger beta values  are used.

To  calculate beta distribution

  1. In the task properties window click Schedules tab. Schedules window is displayed.
  2. In the Detailed Schedule section click More. A menu is displayed.
  3. In the menu click Beta Distribution.

Beta Distribution window is displayed.

Figure: Beta Distribution window

  1. Select  the radio button to define whether beta distribution has to be calculated using Values available in task or New Values.  Selecting "Values from Task" will use the alpha and beta values entered in that Task's details. By default, "Values from-Task" will be selected. If the option "New values" is selected  it will be possible to select  alpha-beta combinations manually from four pre-defined Distribution Settings namely "Linear Loading", "Front Loading", "Back Loading" and "Bell-Shaped". On selecting a setting, the task/level is  distributed based on the setting. 
  2. Select a value for Distribute On. If the radio button next to Estimated Quantity is selected, then estimated quantity of the task will be distributed. By default Estimated quantity will be selected. If the  radio button next to Forecasted Quantity is selected, then Forecasted quantity of the task will be distributed.
  3. Select a Distribution Type from a drop-down list. Values available are Periodic and Cumulative. If the option Periodic is selected, values will be distributed periodically across the interval. If the option Cumulative is selected, values will be distributed cumulative across the interval. By default this option is selected.

The distribution type can be explained with the help of an example. Suppose your activity is laying asphalt for a stretch of 100 kilometers spread for a time period of 10 weeks.  Distribution of progress using Periodic and Cumulative methods are displayed in the table. 





10 Km

10 Km


10 Km

20 Km


10 Km

30 Km


10 Km

40 Km


10 Km

50 Km


10 Km

60 Km


10 Km

70 Km


10 Km

80 Km


10 Km

90 Km


10 Km

100 Km

100 Km

  1. Select a Loading Type from a drop-down list. Values available are Linear Loading, Front Loading, Back Loading and Bell Shaped. Based on the loading type selected alpha and beta values will change. By  default Linear Loading is selected.
  2. Enter an Alpha value and a Beta value if the default value requires modification.
  3. Select the interval over which the distribution needs to be done. The interval can be monthly or weekly.

If distribution option selected  is monthly , then the interval between the planned start and the planned finish of the task will be split into quantity based manual rules equivalent to the number of months and estimated quantities will be assigned for the same.

Distribution Period ends on options:

 If the option “Month end”  is selected  , the system will consider last day of the month in the calendar as the end of each distribution interval. 

If the option This day each month/week is selected  user will be able to select a day of a week so that system will consider the last day of the month as the end of each distribution interval. For example: if “Friday” is selected , then last Friday of every month will be considered as the end of each interval.

If the option “This date each month” is selected user will be able  to select a date in a month to consider as the end of each distribution interval.

If distribution option selected is  Weekly,  then the interval between the planned start and planned finish date of the task will be split into quantity based manual rules equivalent to the number of weeks and estimated quantities will be assigned to them. Option This day each week will be enabled and user will be able to select the day in a week to consider as the end of each distribution interval.

If the checkbox next to the option "Distribute to child level”is selected, then for  all the levels and tasks under that level, of quantity-based tasks,  beta will be distributed. This setting will be enabled only when beta distribution is carried out for a WBS Level.