Bulk Attach Documents
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In some Project sites, when large number of existing documents in the system need to be referred to multiple existing tasks in WBS, currently this is done through matching option in SmartProject desktop version, which is not user friendly. Hence a facility to bulk attach existing documents to existing tasks using WBS template  is provided.

To export task details

  1. Select the required tasks or WBS Levels
  2. Place the mouse pointer over the option Bulk Attach Documents. A pop-up menu with the options Export and Import is displayed. 
  3. In the menu click Export.

Bulk Export Wizard is displayed.

  1. Select the required options in the window and click Next. Export template is generated and downloaded.

A sample excel template is displayed in the following figure.

Details of the exported tasks are displayed here.

  1. In the template enter values for the following fields.

Relation Type: Select the relation type of the document to the task as Link or Refer.

Document Number: Specify the document number of the document existing in system that is to be attached to the task.

Sheet Number: Specify the Sheet Number of the document existing in system that is to be attached to the task.

NOTE: If the tasks in exported excel file do not have any documents to be attached, it is not required to enter values for the properties, Relation Type, Document Number and Sheet Number. If Relation Type is specified, it is mandatory to mention Document Number and vice versa.

After entering the values, save the excel file. After saving the file, the details can be imported to WBS.

To import the WBS

  1. In the menu click Import. Bulk Import Wizard is displayed.

Figure: Bulk Import Wizard

  1. Click Choose File to select the updated excel file.
  2. Select the file from the stored location.
  3. After selecting the file, click Next to proceed with the import operation.

Once the import operation is completed successfully, a notification mail is sent to the user. If there are any failure in the bulk import operation, the original import file is send back to the user, This file will be attached to the notification email so that the user may correct them in the same excel (the error report) and import again.