Bulk Import/Export of  BOQ Line Items
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BOQ line items can be imported in bulk using an MS Excel template. Further BOQ line item details can be exported to an MS Excel sheet, values can be edited and then updated to the system. An MS Excel template acts as a medium for import and export. Detailed instruction is available for carrying out the Import/Export operation.  The following operations can be carried out from Import/Export menu.

Figure: Import and Export operations

Generate Template




Bulk Operations Log


The import/export operations are mentioned in the following sections.

Generating a template

Import operation is carried out using an MS Excel template, that is generated from the system.

To generate an excel template

Importing BOQ Item details

BOQ item details are entered in the MS Excel template generated and details are imported to the system.

To import BOQ Item details

Exporting BOQ Item details

If the BOQ item details are to be edited in bulk, export the BOQ item details to an MS Excel file, make the necessary changes in the item details and update the changes back to the system.

To export item details

Updating Item Details

Changes are made in the exported data and after saving the changes is updated back to the system.

To update item details

Bulk Operation Log

 Status of the bulk operation performed is displayed in the operations log window.

To view the log of bulk operations

  1. In the menu click Bulk Operation Log.

Bulk Operation Log window is displayed.

Figure: Bulk Operation Log window

Here date on which the operation was carried out, operation name and status  of the operation is displayed.

  1. If the operation has failed click Download Error Report to view the reason for failure.


Since import and export operations is a bit lengthy, instruction for carrying out these operations without errors is provided as instructions.

To view instructions