Change Request Operations
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These operations can be carried out by ADMIN user before the CP is Approved or Rejected. The following operations are available in the Change Request menu.

Figure: Change Request operations

Add Change Request

Only a user with ‘Raise change request’ permission in the module can add a request.

To add a change request

Accepting a request

Single or multiple requests can be accepted by the user.

To accept request

Rejecting a request

Single or multiple requests can be rejected by the user.

To reject requests

Viewing request details

A request can be selected, and details of the selected request can be viewed.

To view request details

Request Details can be edited. In the Request Details window in addition to the tab Details, tabs Comments and Attachments is also available.

Comments tab

Details on comments made on the request can be viewed here.

To view comments

To add a comment

To edit a comment

To remove a comment

Attachments tab

Attachments can be added to a request from the Attachments tab.

To add attachments