Commenting using  Rasterex Viewer
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Before starting to comment in Rasterex viewer, ensure Rasterex viewer is configured as the Viewer.

Configuring Rasterex Viewer

Facility to comment using Rasterex viewer is configured in the Viewer Settings window. In the Viewer Settings window, a viewer type can be assigned to a file type.

To select a viewer

Opening the drawing for commenting

Drawing for commenting can be opened from the document smart folder or document details window.

To open the drawing for commenting

Adding comments to a drawing

Comments are added to the drawing using different commenting tools

To add comments

Consolidating comments to SmartProject

Once different reviewers add their comments to the drawing, the comments are consolidated and added to SmartProject. Consolidated file can be added as CommentMarkupSpecter, Client Comment and Related File.

To consolidate comments

Recreating Cache folders

RasterX is a different application, and its cache folders are not governed by SmartProject. Due to any user override or malfunction, if the files in the cache folders gets deleted, the comments viewed from SmartProject may not be in synch with what is seen in RasterX. In such scenarios, the view/comment cache is re-created, so that they are in sync with SmartProject again. The option Recreate Cache folder in the File menu provides a solution to this issue.

To create cache folders