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Administrators or users in Admin group can configure reports for dashboard.

To configure reports

  1. In the Administrative Settings window click Dashboards.

Reports Configuration for creating Dashboards window is displayed.

  1. Click Insert Row. A new row is inserted.

Figure: Configuring a new dashboard

  1. Enter a Report Name and in the column REPORT CONFIGURATION click Configure.

Figure: Report Configuration window

The following fields are available in the window.

Report Name:  Report name entered in the report name column is displayed here.

  1. Type: Select a report type from a drop-down list. Options available are Standard Report and Embedded Power BI Report. Option Standard Report is displayed by default.
  2. Report URL: Enter the Report URL. This is mandatory. 

If the type selected is Embedded Power BI Report, the following window is displayed.

Figure:  Embedded PowerBI Report configuration

  1. Enter Workspace ID and Report ID. These details are obtained from the Power BI embedded subscription where the report is published.
  2. Click OK to save the configuration.
  3. Click Save to save the report.

The configured Embedded Power BI report is displayed in the dashboard window and can be opened without any authentication.