Managing Live Commenting Sessions
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Live commenting sessions can be managed using Wrench Viewer and Bluebeam. Since there  are organizations that use Bluebeam application for online commenting, online commenting procedure using Bluebeam and Wrenchviewer is explained.  The IDC process of commenting is done after uploading the physical file into Bluebeam cloud and opening a session for commenting by inviting the users.

Live commenting using Bluebeam

An integration gateway is created from WRENCH. After creating the gateway, the following activities can be carried out.

Creating a Live Commenting Session

A Live Commenting session can be created from Document Smart Folders, Task Smart Folders and Transmittals.

To create a session from document/task smart folder

To create a session from the transmittal window

Joining a Live Commenting Session

A user can join a Live Commenting session from Smart Folders, Task and Document details window and Transmittal window.

To join a live commenting session

Closing a Live Commenting Session

After completing the commenting, Live Commenting session is closed.

To close a live commenting session

Re-sending invitations

In case the email notification fails, there is an option to re-send the invitation mail from smart folders. 

To re-send invitation

Viewing an active blue beam session

Active blue beam sessions can be viewed from smart folders and document details window.

In the smart folder grid a column Commenting Session Status is available.

On clicking the hyperlink Active, Bluebeam Sessions window is displayed.

Figure: Active Bluebeam session

Here details related to active sessions are displayed.

To view an active session from document details window

  1. In the list of options click Live Commenting Status.
  2. On clicking this option Bluebeam Sessions window is displayed.

Figure: Bluebeam Sessions window

In the window sessions that are currently live are displayed. Following options are available in the window.

Extend Expiry: After selecting a session on clicking this option date picker is displayed. You can select a future date and extend the expiry date of the session.

Restart Session: Click this option to restart an inactive session.

NOTE: When user tries to extend or restart the Blue Beam session, if the creator of the session is disabled in WRENCH, an alert message indicating the creator of the session is disabled in WRENCH is displayed.  User can proceed after changing the session owner in blue beam and WRENCH.

Modifying details of active sessions

Session invitees with ‘MANAGE’ permission can add and remove invitees in the active commenting session. 

To modify details of active commenting sessions

Live Commenting using Wrench Viewer

Live commenting sessions can be created from the following areas, 

In the document smart folder and task smart folder the menu items shown in the following figure are available in Live Commenting menu.

To create a live commenting session

Joining Live Commenting Session

A user can join a Live Commenting session from Smart Folders, Task and Document details window, Transmittal window and global menu.

To join a live commenting session

To join a live commenting session from global menu

Adding comments to a drawing

Comments are added to the drawing using different commenting tools

To add comments

Consolidating comments to SmartProject

Once different reviewers add their comments to the drawing, the comments are consolidated and added to SmartProject. Consolidated file can be added as CommentMarkupSpecter, Client Comment and Related File.

To consolidate comments

Managing Live Commenting

When a user joins a live commenting session, the session is opened in an external Rasterex viewer. In the Viewer toolbar, a tab Live Commenting is displayed.

On clicking the tab Live Commenting the following options are displayed.

Close Session

Session Details

Save to CRS

Create Link

Switch Documents

Closing a Session

 Participants with manage permission can close the session.

To close a session

Viewing Session Details

Details of a session can be viewed and user with Manage rights can make modification to the session details.

To view session details

Saving to CRS

The comments can be exported to CRS. 

To save to CRS

Creating Link

When the session participants missed the invitation or failed to join the link, a link can be created for the live commenting session and forwarded to the participant, so that the participant can join the session by opening the link.

To create link

Switching Documents

In a live commenting session, it is possible to switch between documents available in the session. The option to switch documents  is displayed in the live commenting window, only if multiple documents are available in the current session.

To switch documents