Operation Log
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Project settings and genealogy settings are defined by the Administrator for a project/organization level. These settings control all major operations in WRENCH Any change in the same would affect the normal working procedure. It may happen that a user may change these by mistake as well. Tracking such changes is crucial for trouble shooting issues that may raise due to such change in settings.

Operation Log will help the administrator to track/monitor any such changes done in the settings and trouble shoot by changing the settings.

To generate an operation log

  1. In the Administrative Settings window menu bar click Operation Log.

Operation Log window is displayed.

Figure: Generating a log of operations

  1. Select a Module from the drop-down.

Project operations log

This log provides information on different project operations.

To generate a log for project operations

  1. Select the module as Project.

  1. Enter values for the following properties.
  1. On selecting the browse button Operation Details window is displayed. Select the required operations from the window. 
  1. Click Search. Search Results are displayed based on the selected property values.

Figure: Operations log report for Project

Genealogy operations log

This log provides details about genealogy operations carried out by a user or user group.

To generate report for genealogy operations

  1. Select the Item Type as Genealogy.

Figure: Operation Log for document genealogy

  1. Click the browse button to select the required Document Genealogy
  2. Click the browse button to select a User Name or User Group.
  3. Define a period for which log has to be generated by selecting From and To dates.
  4. Click Search to generate a log of operations. Search Results are displayed in the grid.

Figure: Search Results

  1. Click Export to Excel to export the search results to an MS Excel sheet.

Smart folder operations log

This log provides information on different smart folder operations carried out by a user or user group.

To generate report for smart folder operations

  1. Select the Item as Smartfolder

Figure: Operation Log for Smart folder

  1. Click the browse button to select the required smart folder operations. Operations available for selection are Assign custom property LOV, Create, Delete, Edit and Publish.
  2. Click the browse button to select a smart folder name.
  3. Click the browse button to select a User Name or User Group.
  4. Define a period for which log has to be generated by selecting From and To dates.
  5. Click Search to generate a log of operations. Search Results are displayed in the grid.

Figure: Search Results

  1. Click Export to Excel to export the search results to an MS Excel sheet.

Risk operations log

This log provides information on different operations carried out on a risk  by a user or user group.

To generate a log for Risk

  1. Select the Item as Risk

NOTE: If Risk module is enabled for the user, in the drop-down list for selecting item, Risk and Risk Breakdown Structure will be available.

On selecting Risk from the drop-down list, the following window is displayed.

  1. In the window, enter values for the properties mentioned in the following table.






  1. Click the browse button to select an operation. 

Operation Details window is displayed. Here operations for which a log can be generated is displayed.

Figure: Operation Details window

  1. Select the checkbox next to the required operations and click OK.



  1. Click the browse button to select a Project ID.

Project Search window is displayed.

  1. In the window select a Project and click OK.



  1. Click the browse button to select a Risk.

Select Risk window is displayed. Created risks are displayed here.

Figure: Select Risk window

  1. Select the checkbox next to the required risks and click OK.



Click the browse button to select single or multiple users from Search User window. The browse button will be disabled if a user group is selected.



Click the browse button to select single or multiple groups from Groups selection window. The browse button will be disabled if a user is selected.



Select the staring date for generating log.



Select the end date for generating log.

Selected values are displayed next to the fields.

  1. After entering values for different properties click Search to generate a log.

Generated log is displayed in search results grid.

Figure: Generated log

For the operation Update, operation description is displayed as a hyperlink. On clicking the hyperlink, Update details window is displayed.

Figure: Update details window

Here the Old value and Modified value of properties are displayed.

  1. Click Export to Excel, to export the generated log to an MS Excel file.

If any columns are not selected in the excel sheet, entire contents of the sheet are exported. If specific columns are selected, only the selected columns are exported. A sample excel file is displayed in the following figure.

Figure: Exported log

Risk breakdown structure operations log

This log provides information on different operations carried out in the risk breakdown structure  by a user or user group.

To generate a log for Risk Breakdown Structure

  1. Select the Item as Risk Breakdown Structure.
  2. In the window displayed, enter values for the properties mentioned in the following table.






  1. Click the browse button to select an operation. 

Operation Details window is displayed. Here operations for which a log can be generated is displayed.

Figure: Operation Details window

  1. Select the checkbox next to the required operations and click OK.



  1. Click the browse button to select a Project ID.

Project Search window is displayed.

  1. In the window select a Project and click OK.



Click the browse button to select single or multiple users from Search User window. The browse button will be disabled if a user group is selected.



Click the browse button to select single or multiple groups from Groups selection window. The browse button will be disabled if a user is selected.



Select the staring date for generating log.



Select the end date for generating log.

  1. After entering values for different properties click Search to generate a log.

Generated log is displayed in search results grid.

Figure: RBS log

  1. Click Export to Excel, to export the generated log to an MS Excel file.

If any columns are not selected in the excel sheet, entire contents of the sheet are exported. If specific columns are selected, only the selected columns are exported.

Authentication log

Viewing the list of log in attempts is required, when an audit is conducted in the organization.

To generate log for authentication

  1. Select the ITEM as Authentication Log.
  2. Enter values for the following properties.






Enter the date from which the operation log needs to be displayed. 



Enter the date till which the operation log needs to be displayed. 



Enter the login name for which the operation log needs to be displayed. This is not mandatory.



Select the log category from a drop-down list.



Select the log type for which the operation log needs to be displayed from a drop-down list.

  1. After selecting values for different properties click Search.

A log is generated and displayed in the grid as shown in the following figure.

Figure: Authentication log

Concurrent Login Report

An administrator can view the details of the concurrent users logged in to the system.

To generate a concurrent login report

  1. In the Administrative Settings window select the option, Reports.
  2. In the Operations Log window, select the ITEM as Concurrent Login Report.

Figure: Generating a concurrent login report

  1. Select the From Date and To Date and click Search.

The report is generated and in the report peak usage and unique usage for a date is displayed.

Figure: Concurrent Login Report

The values can be exported to an Ms Excel file.