Revising a Tender
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Published tenders may be revised when any major changes are to be made. Only users with ‘Revise’ permission will be able to do the operation. Tenders when in ‘Published, ‘Republished’, ‘Closed’, ‘Bid Evaluation’, ‘Recommended’  statuses can be revised. Attempt to revise tenders in other statuses is aborted with an alert message.

To revise a tender

  1. In the Tender Details window grid select a tender and in the tool bar click Revise.

A message Do you wish to revise the tender message is displayed.

  1. Click Yes to revise the tender, No to abort the operation.

On clicking YesTender Revised Successfully message is displayed. Status of the tender will be change  to ‘Revised’.  The revision number of the tender will be incremented

NOTE: When a tender is revised, the resources assigned to the properties, Tender management team and the Bid evaluators remain the same. The verification codes and verification status against each of the evaluators are cleared.