Status Codes
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Status codes are updated against documents as a sign of approval by clients or by internal approval authority. Such status codes are defined in a project so that they can be used for the approval of project documents.Status codes are categorized to two types.

To manage status codes

Managing external approval codes

These status codes are updated  for the documents by the client and is sent to them for review. Approval status codes are saved against a client in masters, and they are inherited when a customer in project properties window. System should automatically inherit the approval status codes from the customer information, if they are available. Approval status codes can also be added at a later point of time. You can remove an approval status code and also edit the approval status code details.

To add external approval codes

To remove approval codes

To edit approval code details

Managing internal approval codes

These status codes are updated by internal approval authorities. Internal codes are created in Wrench Masters and assigned to different projects. Internal status codes can be managed from this pane. 

To add internal approval codes

To edit internal code details

To remove internal approval codes

Managing Approval Requirement Codes

Approval Requirement Codes can be maintained from this window.

To add approval requirement codes