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The Summary page is displayed by default when the document details window is opened. The Summary page gives you an at-a-glance view of the status of a document and information on attachments added to the document.

The top of the page displays options to download attachments and display attachments. 

NOTE: This tab can be displayed or hid depending upon your preference. When origin wise filtering is enabled, User Name, Comments, Workflow operations will be masked for the specific stages.

Figure: Summary Page

Switched to grouped view: In some projects, many drawings are detailing the parts of a huge item like a naval vessel. When a drawing is uploaded and workflow is initiated, some stage users might hold the documents for clarification, but they need to route the same through the workflow. The records of reasons for holding the drawings are usually stored in a reference file. Also, if there are minor changes in the drawing, a separate folder is maintained to track them. On selecting the checkbox next to this option, reference documents, client comments, and squad check comments are grouped based on genealogy. This will improve the identification and access of the reference documents. If the option is selected documents are grouped as shown in the following figure.

Figure: Grouped View

An option to view the workflow assigned to the document and log of Workflow operations is also available here. On clicking the Workflow tab, workflow assigned to the document is displayed.

Figure: Summary Page - Workflow Information

On clicking Comments Log tab, log of workflow operations when workflows are sent from one stage to another  is displayed. The list of recipients to which the workflow was sent  is also listed in the window. Log of reassign operation is displayed separately as shown in the following figure.

Figure: Log of reassign operation

Send operation details will also be available. If multiple reassign operations are carried out, they are displayed separately as shown in the following figure.

Figure: Send operations log

Different operations can be carried out on an attachment displayed in the summary page. Click the down-arrow next to an attachment and different operations that can be carried out is displayed.

Figure: Operations from the summary page

Operations possible depends on the type of attachment. Type of attachments and operations possible are mentioned in the following table.


Attachment Type




Download, View, Replace, Delete, Details. Rename.



Download, View, Delete, Details, Rename.



Download, View, Replace, Delate, Details, Rename.


Related File

Download, View, Replace, Delate, Details, Rename.


Squad Check Comment

Download, View, Show Details, Check Out, Check In, Replace, Delete, Detach, Rename.


Client Comment

Download, View, Show Details, Check Out, Check In, Replace, Delete, Detach, Rename.

After selecting the document on clicking Delete from the menu, a warning message is displayed. Click OK to remove the document from all associated documents and WRENCH.

After selecting the document on clicking Detach from the menu, a warning message Do you want to detach the selected file is displayed. 


Reference Document

Download, View, Show Details, Detach, Replace, Rename

To rename files

  1. Select the document and click Rename.

Rename window is displayed.

  1. Enter the new file name without any file extension and click OK. File name is renamed successfully. 

Entire attachments added to the document can be downloaded or displayed. Also attachments can be selected and downloaded.

To download all attachments

  1. In the summary tab click Download All.

Figure: Managing attachments

Attachments are downloaded one after another.

To view and download attachments

  1. Click Download All to download all the attachments..

Documents and its attachments are displayed.

If you want to download only selected attachments, select the check box next to the attachment and click Download Selected

NOTE: When the comments are displayed in the Summary tab, only the comments of the latest version of the main document is displayed. To display comments of all the versions of the latest revision of the main documents select the checkbox next to the option Show All. On selecting the checkbox next to this option, comments of all versions of the latest revision is displayed.

Deleting multiple files

There are scenarios where users will upload all additional supporting documents as Related Files. After reviewing, if some of the uploaded files are to be removed, removing the files one by one  is a tedious task. Hence an option to remove multiple files will be available in Summary tab and Files tab of the document details window. 

To delete multiple files

Viewing document details

For viewing different document details with ease, a menu is displayed  on the bottom right side of the document details window. On clicking an item in the menu the corresponding details are displayed in the grid. Depending on the selection you make document details scroll up or down automatically. In addition an arrow button is provided to move  between different sections.

Figure: Viewing document details

Viewing and editing comment and markup details

Details of the Comments and Markups added to a document are displayed in a separate details window. For the remaining attachments, Document Details window is displayed.

To view and  attachment details for comments and markups

Renaming files

When creating consolidated files, since most of the file naming conventions use document number or description, long file names are created. When the vault path is also few levels deep, the effective length of a file when consolidating comments gets very large and often exceeds permitted limits. 

In such cases, the consolidate comments operation fails and leaves the user with no options to recover. 

In addition, when files are received from external agencies, it may not adhere to the organization’s file naming conventions and hence may be very long. Such files may get successfully added to SmartProject, but subsequently when users try to download to their workstations, it may fail due to the large length of the target folder. In such cases, the original file name needs renaming.

To rename files

Sharing files for collaborative editing

A file that is checked out can be shared for collaborative editing.

To share a document that is already checked out