Time sheet
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Efficient time management is a vital element in managing projects. WRENCH provides users a comprehensive yet user-friendly Time Sheet for making an accurate assessment of the time required for each task in a project. Here, the resources can log in the actual time taken to complete their assigned tasks as well as submit their tasks for approval. The Time Sheet can be opened by any authorized user of WRENCH who Approves/Rejects the time log entered.

Time logs may be created either after executing work (post execution) or before starting the work (plan). For Example: A person may plan the day using the time sheet in the morning, allocating time for each activity that are planned during the day and end of the day, after appropriate corrections (if any), the time logs may be submitted for approval (if required). The time logs may be submitted on a “daily” basis or “Weekly” basis. 


  1. Initially, the user may enter the description of the required activity in the 'Activity entry' option in the Activity Master. Here, you may create “Activities” based on “discipline”. Refer the section Configuration Wizard > Control Panel > Masters > Others > Activity Master in the administrator's manual to know more about this option. 
  2. If you wish to set a specific user as a global approver, you may select the desired user. Refer section Configuration Wizard > Control Panel > Masters > Resources> Time Sheet Approvers in the administrator's manual to know more about this option. 
  3. To make a Time Sheet entry, you need to assign an approver for the project resources. For more information on how to assign an approver for the selected project resources, refer Assigning approver to a project resource in the WRENCH Enterprise user manual.

Opening the Time Sheet window

All users are permitted to create a time sheet.

To open the time sheet