Viewer Settings
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For every client site, instead of configuring individual Rasterex instance, multiple clients can access a single instance. A central server is configured for a region and the clients belonging to that region will access Rasterex from that region’s central server. 

To configure viewer settings

  1. On the Administrative Settings window click the option Integration Settings.
  2. On the Integration Settings window click Viewer Settings. Viewer Settings window is displayed. 

Settings can be defined for Autodesk Forge Viewer and Rasterex Viewer

  1. Select the viewer type from a drop-down list next to the option Select Viewer

Figure: Viewer Settings

If the viewer type selected is Rasterex Viewer, the following window is displayed.

Figure: Defining setting for Rasterex Viewer

  1. Enter values of the properties mentioned in the following table.


Property Name



Base URL

Enter the Base URL Path.


Rasterex Cache Path

Enter the Rasterex Cache Path.


Organization Name

Enter the organization name which has been provided at the time of purchasing the Rasterex license. 


Data Retention Policy

Specify the number of days in which the cache files has to be stored on the server.

  1. After entering values for the properties click Save.

If the viewer type selected is Autodesk Forge Viewer, the following window is displayed.

Figure: Defining setting for Autodesk Forge Viewer

  1. Enter values of the properties mentioned in the following table.


Property Name



Client ID

Specify the client ID.


Client Secret

Specify the Client's Secret details.


Autodesk Forge Server URL

Specify the Autodesk Forge Server URL.


Redirect URL

Specify the Redirect URL.


Data Retention Policy

Select the data retention period as per the company policy from a drop-down list.

The options available in the dropdown list are as follows:

  1. Transient – 24 Hours of Data Retention period
  2. Temporary – 30 Days of Data Retention period
  3. Persistent – Unlimited Data Retention period.
  1. Click Save to store changes.

When a file is opened in the viewer, the system checks whether the user has the security permissions to view this file. If the user has the permissions, then the system shall check whether the selected file is available in the respective viewer's folder. If the file is available in the folder, then the file is opened in the viewer

If the file is not available in the respective viewer folder, then the file is downloaded from the vault and is displayed in the configured viewer.

NOTE: Currently the files are copied from the vault each time a user attempts to view the file. Instead of this, a cache is maintained, where these files can persevere. Security rights of the user are evaluated before granting access to the file.