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Different basic account related details of an individual user can be altered from here. The following operations can be carried out from this section.

Reset Password

User can change the existing password and define a new password for the user.

To reset the password

Default Server

The server to which  you want to connect when you log in is defined here. 

To select a default server

Email Settings

Email settings for a user can be configured here.

To configure email settings

Configuring Signature

A signature file can be selected. The selected signature file will be inserted when you insert a signature on a document.

To select a signature file

Configuring  checkout path

A checkout path for storing documents online can be specified here.

To define a checkout path

Multi factor Authentication

If this option is selected, in Administrative Settings window,  this option is enabled here. Multi factor authentication using username, password and verification is enabled. Multifactor options can be selected from a drop-down list.  Options available are  Email,  Mobile App and SMS.  By default, Email is selected.