Cash Flow
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It is important to monitor project’s cash flow very closely for success and profitability of any project. Cash inflows are mainly the receivables from different stakeholder's and Outflows are the expenditure associated with an organization or a Project. Proper Cash flow management is an important aspect of a successful project management. 

On clicking the Cash flow tab, different types of Cash flows are displayed.

Figure: Cash Flow window

 Different types of Cash flows displayed are: 

  1. Budget Cash flow (Cash out flow based on budget)
  2. VOWD (Value of Work done) Cash flow (cash flow based on the value of work done from commitment)
  3. Spent Cash flow (cash flow based on the amount spent)
  4. Receivable Cash flow

Budget Cash flow

Budget cash flow represent the outflow of money. During the time of budgeting the estimated amount of money that must be spent against each item and the time frame on which the amount will be spent will be defined. Hence budgets are distributed across the plan time line.  Based on the planned distribution, planned cash flows are generated. 

The actual money spend against a line item may be also displayed in the Budget cash flow, so that user may compare Plan with the actual.

To display the budget cash flow

VOWD Cash flow

VOWD or Value of Work Done refers to cash flow based on the value of work done from commitment.

To display VOWD cashflow

SPENT Cash flow

SPENT Cash flow is the cash flow based on the amount spent.

To view spent cash flow

VOWD  Conversion Factor

Value of commitments are distributed based on the payment terms defined for the commitment. As the payment terms achieve the actuals, correspondingly the value of work done will be captured. However, in some cases all the payment terms may not contribute to VOWD. Hence conversion factor (value in the field VOWD%) has been provided to payment terms, to specify what percentage of value of the payment term will be considered for computing VOWD. The conversion factor value may vary from 0 to 100.

To view VOWD  conversion factor

Defining distribution interval and date range

Cash flow distribution can be displayed based on Monthly or Weekly basis. 

To define distribution interval

Selecting date range

Facility to select a period of distribution is available. From and To dates can be selected from a date picker.

Figure: Date rang selection

  1. Select a From Date. By default current date is selected.
  2. Select a To Date. By default the current date is selected. To date should be always higher than the From date.

Updating actual spent against commitments

The Commitments are created by procurement team while the payments are mostly made by the finance team. Actual against a commitment can be updated from the cash flow.

To update actual spent