Creating Smart Folders
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When a user logs in to SmartProject all the folders created by the user and folders published for the user are displayed. If the user is logging in for the first time, and if there are no folders published to the user, empty “Smart Folders” folder (root folder) is displayed in the left navigation pane. Smart Folders can be created based on requirements of the user.

NOTE: Only user with Create right for Smart Folders in the security centre can create a smart folder.

To create a smart folder

Assigning  system rules for folders

System Rules are a pre-defined set of rules available for objects in WRENCH. Currently system rules can be assigned to following smart folder types.

  1. Documents
  2. Tasks
  3. Transmittal
  4. Submittal
  5. Email and Notifications
  6. Correspondence

You can create folders and label them according to your need and then assign system rules to the folder.

To assign system rules

Creating folders from genealogy structure

There are cases where personal folders structure has to be created exactly similar to the genealogy structure. In such cases creating folders manually is impractical. To address this scenario, option to create personal folders from genealogy structure is available.

To create a folder from genealogy structure

Creating General Folders

While creating smart folders in addition to object folders user can create a general folder. The general folder is independent of WRENCH objects. You can create multiple general folders under the general folders. Rules can only be defined for object folders created under the general folder.

To create a general folder

Managing attachments using smart folders

Smart Folders can be created to manage attachments. The attachments that can be managed under Smart Folders are:

To create an attachment folder

Assigning custom property LOV to smart folders

A set of custom characteristics with a list of values will be assigned to a smart folder. When documents are added to a smart folder, all list of values assigned to the folder will be inherited to the added document. Many times, this is not necessary. Only selected set of custom property values will be required for the added documents. An option to select the custom property list of values is available in the smart folder menu.

To assign custom property LOV

Creating notification smart folders

A  smart folder type Notifications, to handle notifications will be available while creating smart folders. This folder is meant for handling Transmittal Release Mails, Workflow Routing Mails and Documents send using send mail option.

Figure: Notification Smart Folders

Rules can be assigned to these folders.

Following rule criteria are available for this folder.

Project ID: On selecting a project, notification mails related to this project will be listed in the folder.

Direction: Here you can select the direction of the notification mail. Options Received by current user’s origin and Sent by current user’s origin are available here. Notification mails based on the direction selected will be available in the folder.

Send On: Here you can select a date or a range of date staring from the current date. Notifications based on the selected dates will be displayed.

Type of notification/mails: If Type of notifications is selected as PROPERTY, values available will be Document sent using send mail , Transmittal Acknowledgement mail,  Transmittal delete mail, Transmittal release mail and Workflow routing mails.

Based on the rule criteria selected, notification smart folder is created. 

In the smart folder grid operations will not be available for notification type smart folders.

Creating Correspondence Smart Folders

In certain scenarios, document smart folders are created and rules are assigned to display WRENCH correspondences. Since the document smart folders are used, the smart folder can contain a mixture of documents and correspondence based on the rules provided. Moreover, all the document related operations are available to the smart folder which are not applicable to correspondences which requires additional configuration.

Hence, a dedicated smart folder type for Wrench correspondence is available, which will contain only correspondence related properties to create rules. Only correspondence related operations will be available for the smart folder thus created.

To create correspondence smart folder

  1. Select the root smart folder and in the menu click Create.

  1. Smart Folder Types window is displayed. Select the folder type as Correspondence and click OK.

Figure: Smart Folder Types window

Smart Folder Creation window is displayed.

  1. Select the radio button next to the option System Rule, System Rules window is displayed.

Figure: Smart Folder Creation window

  1. Click the browse button next to System/Custom Rules.

System Rules window is displayed.

Figure: System Rules window

  1. Select a System Rule and click OK to complete selection.
  2. In the Smart Folder Creation window click OK.

Correspondence type folder is created based on the assigned rule. Correspondence folders created based on different rules are distinguished from other folder by the icons corresponding to the folder as displayed in the following figure.