Managing Snags
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Snagging facility in WRENCH Smartproject, helps you in defining the process of inspection necessary to compile a list of minor defects or omissions in building works for the contractor to rectify is simplified. Site teams will be able to create snags on the fly, add a photo and quickly assign it to the responsible person with no paperwork. Snag feature manages and records what are typically referred to as “Snags” within the construction industry. This feature provides the site team a seamless process for creating multiple snag items and issue them to third parties without ever needing a piece of paper.

Opening the Snag facility

Snag Facility can be opened from the Modules option in the global menu, 

Figure: Opening from Global Menu

and from the Project.

Figure: Opening from Project

If the Snag facility is opened from the Project, Snag List of the Project is displayed directly. In case Snag facility is opened from the Module options, the following window is displayed.

  1. Click the browse button to select a Project. List of Projects will be displayed. 
  2. Select a Project from the list.

Snag List window is displayed. In case already Snags are created for the Project, details of the Snag are displayed in the window as shown in the following figure.

Figure: Snag List window

Count of Total number of Snags and count of Snags with different statuses like Created, Open, Closed, Work In Progress, Completed and Cancelled will be displayed in different tabs. On clicking a tab the respective Snag List will be displayed. For Example: If the tab OPEN is clicked, list of Snags with status Open will be displayed.

In case for the selected project, Snags are not created the following window is displayed.

Figure: Snag List window

Creating a Snag

A Snag can be created only by a user with security permission to create a snag.

To create a new snag

Fetching details from snag group

If snag groups are available against the project, it is possible to fetch the details associated with the group, only if the corresponding data field in window is empty. This helps in specifying details quickly. 

To fetch details from snag group

Notifying Snag creation

When a snag is created a single notification mail can be send to the concerned users.

To send notifications

Modifying Snag Details

Snag details of a Snag in CREATED status can be modified. 

To modify a snag

Closing a Snag

A user who is authorised to close a snag only can carry out this operation.

To close the snag

Updating Snag status

During the lifecycle of a snag, if some mistakes happen, user may need to reverse the status. For Example: When a snag item is wrongly approved, wrongly updated with a rectification status etc.

To update snag status

Approving a Snag

Only the ‘Approver’ assigned to a snag may approve it. When other users attempt to approve the snag a warning message is displayed, and the operation is aborted.

To approve a snag

Removing a Snag

A snag can be removed by authorised users. Creator of the snag can remove the snag before it is approved. Approver and Authorised to Close user can remove the snag any time.

To remove a snag

Operation Log

Operation log captures the following snag operations.

  1. Creation
  2. Editing
  3. Removal
  4. Approval/ cancellation
  5. Completion
  6. Closure
  7. Updating Status

To view the operation log