Snag Configuration and Security Settings
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Several configurations are required to avail the snag handling functionality. The administrators can use the ‘Administrative Settings option available in the snag main window to manage the configurations. Different configurations that can be defined is mentioned in the following navigation table.



Create Defect Categories

Creating Defect Categories

Modify Defect Categories

Modifying Defect Categories

Remove Defect Categories

Removing Defect Categories

Create Snag Groups

Creating Snag Groups

Define Security Rights

Defining Security Settings

Creating Defect Categories

When reporting snags, it is a common practice to categorise them based on the nature of defects. This helps in assigning the experts in rectifying the respective type of defects. Also, common practices for rectification can be defined, making the rectifications quicker.

To create defect categories

To create a sub category

Modifying defect categories

Defect categories created can be modified.

To modify a defect category

Removing defect categories

Defect Categories can be deleted. Only defect categories that are not in use can be removed.

To remove defect categories

Creating snag groups

Groups helps to define a list of common types of snags for which default set of characteristics values can be predefined. This will help to create snags easily instead of specifying values for each snag properties individually.  A group can be assigned to a snag and the property values as defined for the group will be inherited by the snag.

To create snag groups

To create a group

Security Settings

Security defined here is applicable to both Users and  User Groups (Roles). Only users with security right can manage a snag.

To define security