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Resources are specifically the people who may be allocated to the respective project and whose time is allocated accordingly. Identifying and deploying the correct project resources is a crucial factor that decides the timely and successful completion of a project.

All the resources who are part of the project are assigned here. There are two types of resources; Work Resources and View Resources. In addition to this time required for each role or resource in a project can be booked along the execution timeline of the project, so that resources of the required role are available when required. To understand more about managing resources and resource booking refer the following navigation table.



Manage Project Resources

Work Resources

Manage Project View Resources

View Resources

Book time required for each role or resource

Resource Booking

Distribute Time Booking

Distributing  time booking

Capture actual  man hours

Capturing Actuals

Import/Export time bookings

Importing / Exporting time bookings

Add external resources to Project

Adding External Resources

Notify resource addition and removal

Notifying Project Resource management

Work Resources

In Work Resources the total list of resources that are assigned or working in the project for various roles are specified. Resources from this pool with various roles are assigned to the tasks specified in the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). The name of the user who created the project and name of project manager is automatically included in the project resources grid.

Users assigned here are permitted to carry out the following operations.

NOTE: These options will be selected by default for the creator of the project and the user assigned as project manager. If a project is saved without selecting this option for at least one user, a warning message is displayed.

In the menu bar once you click the Resources tab, the following window is displayed.

Figure: Manage resources window

Different properties in this field is mentioned in the following table.





User Name

User name of the resource.


Login Name

Login name of the resource.



Position or designation of the user in this project.


Edit Project

Select the checkbox to permit the user to edit or modify the project details. If the checkbox under the column header Edit Project is selected all the resources are granted the permission to edit the project. 


Edit WBS

Select the checkbox  to permit the user to edit or modify the WBS for this project. If the checkbox under the column header Edit WBS is selected all the resources are granted the permission to edit the WBS.


Allow Timelogs

Select the checkbox to allow the user to enter time logs for this project. Select the checkbox under the column Allow Timelogs to permit all users to enter time logs.



Click the browse button to select an organizational calendar. 

 In the resources window you can add resources, remove existing resources and refresh the workflow.

To add resources

To remove users

Refresh workflow

Clicking this button will refresh the entire workflows for the project. If any resources are added or removed this change will take effect in workflow of the object after refreshing.

NOTE: Resources removed from the project resources tab are not removed from the workflows automatically. The Refresh Work flow option is applicable only for those Projects that are in 'Work-In-Progress' status.


Project resources may participate in a project under multiple roles. Using this facility you can assign the roles a user will play in the project. For Example: In engineering projects, one resource may work as both design engineer as well as document controller. Typically, roles are user groups. Using the “roles” facility, a user can be assigned to multiple groups in a project.

To assign roles


This facility is used to assign a ‘Project Position’ to the project resource. We have a ‘Project position master’ where we can enter the type of position a user may be assigned in a project is entered in the Project Position master and it is from this master data the position is assigned to the users.

NOTE: Only one position can be assigned for a resource.

To add a position


Multiple disciplines can be defined for a specific resource in the list of project resources. In the typical engineering scenario, a resource can have multiple disciplines for a particular Project. 

For Example: In certain projects, a draftsman could be part of various disciplines such as Mechanical, Civil etc. By default, a user will belong to the primary discipline defined in the user master. The secondary disciplines applicable for the Project are specified here. By specifying multiple disciplines for Project resources, WRENCH helps to effectively categorize and make an accurate assessment of the cost according to the specified discipline.

To add a discipline

View resources

Editing of a project is usually governed by security rights and only users with adequate rights can edit a project. Viewing of project details is also controlled by security rights. It is possible to define a set of users who will be able to view the project. These users need not be a part of project resource team. 

NOTE: Users with View rights in the genealogy only will be able to view the project details.

Figure: View Resources

To add and remove view resources

Resource booking

Time required for each role or resource in a project can be booked along the execution timeline of the project, so that resources of the required role are available when required. Role based and Resource based time booking  mode is available. Required time booking mode can be selected here.

Resource based time booking

In projects where accurate planning is required, time planning is performed at the user level. Time that each user is expected to spent can be booked for specific time periods, which can be compared against the actual time spent (captured in Timesheet).

To make a resource based booking

Role based time booking

Time required for each role is defined at the project level and the actual time spent can be captured using the timesheet. Though booking time against each user may be accurate, in large projects this is not practical. Hence planning at the role level makes it easier with appreciable level of accuracy.

To make a role based booking

Distributing  time booking

Planned person hours or time booking specified against a role or resource can be distributed across the defined time interval. This can be done either manually or automatically.

To distribute time booking

Distributing planned man hours automatically

Distribution of planned man hours automatically is based on beta distribution technique. When Planned Man Hours option is selected, Forecasted dates are disabled.

To distribute planned man hours automatically

To distribute planned man hours manually

To distribute Forecasted Man Hours automatically

Capturing Actuals

Utilization of actual time is captured using timesheet module in WRENCH. Since a user may have multiple Roles assigned, it is necessary to know specific Role against which user has entered the actual time sheet. Hence in the time sheet entry window time logs can be entered against the role of the user in the project. Facility to select role of a user is available. 

Importing / Exporting time bookings

Time booking can be imported to a project and time booking details can be exported from a project. For importing and exporting a Ms Excel template is used as the medium. For importing Time booking first an excel template is generated. Values are entered in the template and save. From the Resource booking window, details in the template is imported.

Import template can be generated for Role or Resource based booking. Template is generated based on the selection made in settings.

Generating an import template

An import template is generated from the Resource booking window in the Project.

To generate import template

Importing time booking

Time booking entered in the import template generated can be imported to project.

To import time bookings

Exporting time bookings

Time bookings can be exported to an MS Excel template.

To export time bookings

Updating time booking

Time bookings updated in the excel template can be updated in the project also.

To update time booking

Bulk Operation Log

A log of Import/Update operations carried out can be viewed.

To view log

Adding external resources

In some Projects, there may be external users (Non-Wrench users) who are to be notified for a set of documents while releasing transmittal/correspondence etc. Entering each email id separately is very difficult as for some transmittals the Cc recipients will go up to 100. Hence a provision to define email address based distribution list is provided in WRENCH. 

To add external resources

  1. In the Project Properties window click the Resources tab.
  2. Select the tab External Resources.

Figure: Adding External Resources

  1. In the External Resources window click Add.

Add External Resource window is displayed.

Figure: Add External Resource window

  1. Enter a Name and Email ID. These fields are mandatory.
  2. Enter Designation and Company Name. These fields are optional.
  3. Click Save to continue.

Added resources are displayed in the grid.

It is possible to remove the added external resources and edit the external resource properties.

After selecting an external resource information, click Properties to change the entered information, click Remove to delete the information

Figure: Editing/Removing external resources

Notifying Project Resource management

Notifications are sent to resources when they are added to an existing project, to a project using ‘Create From’ option, and when removed from projects. Also, a resource who is added as a Project Manager will also be notified.

When work resources from an existing project is added to another project which is created using the option ‘Create From, added work resources will receive an internal and external notification informing they are assigned to a project. The format of the notification is as shown in the following figure. When multiple resources are present, a single notification is sent to the resources.

When a new project is created from an existing project using the option Bulk Import>>Import From Template and if the work resources’ column is selected as YES from the excel drop down, then on creating new project, the work resources will receive notifications. The format of the notification will be as shown in the above figure.

When resources are removed from a Project, notification is sent to the removed user. When multiple resources are removed, the work resources will receive individual notification about the removal.

When a user is added as a Project manager, the added user receives a notification informing the same.