WBS Level / Task Operations
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WBS is a collection of tasks. Different options are available for managing tasks in WBS. These options are housed in the menu that is displayed when the mouse is hovered above the Tasks button.

Figure: Task Operations

Different task related operations that can be carried out from this menu are mentioned in the following navigation table.



Create a Task/WBS Level

Add (Creating Tasks)

Change task properties


Move tasks from one position to another


Schedule and Start Workflow of the task

Schedule Options

Send the task


View the workflow assigned to a task

Show Workflow

Add documents or tasks

Add Related Item

Update Approval Status Codes

Update Status Codes

Update Internal Status Codes

Update Internal Response

Remove a task from the WBS

Delete Task

Update Task Details together

Update Task Details

Revise a task

Revise Task

Reset the active workflow of a task

Flush Workflow

Send the task to personal folder

Send to Personal Folder

Replace workflow stage resources


Complete a task


Bulk Update Progress

Bulk Update Progress

Distribute task rules using beta distribution

Beta Distribution

Configure Notifications

Subscribe for Notification

Filter Tasks

Filtering Tasks

Add (Creating WBS Level and Tasks)

Using this option you can create a WBS Level and Task. A WBS Level is an independent task which may or may not have a Task under it. WBS Level can be created and edited only in the “WBS Level View” as well as when “Package based Progress Measurement” configuration is not selected in the Project. WBS Levels will never be a “Document Task”. Tasks are created under the WBS Level. 

NOTE: Users with EDIT WBS permission can create WBS Levels in WBS. Those resources assigned to WBS Level with “Manage” permission may create WBS Levels/tasks under such WBS Levels.

To create a task

To create a WBS Level


Click this option to insert a new task serially above an already existing task. On clicking this option Create Task window is displayed. Enter values for different properties in the window and save the task.

Edit task

Editing a task involves activities like copying or cutting a task and pasting it. Editing also includes editing of task properties. Different edit options are explained in this section.

Cut: This operation is similar to copy operation. Irrespective of whether you paste the task after cutting or not, the task is removed from the WBS. 

Copy: Select this option to copy the selected WBS Level Task and Leaf Level Task.

Paste: Paste and Paste special are two options available for pasting a selected WBS Level Task and a Leaf Level Task. 

If you want to paste a selected task, then “Paste” option is selected. 

Consider the following discussions when copying and pasting a WBS Level task:

Consider the following discussions when copying and pasting a leaf level task:

On selecting Paste Special, 'Paste Options' dialog box is displayed. Select the check box against task information's which are to be copied. Select the check box against "Select All" to select entire task information's. The percentage progress is recalculated for both source and target tasks on completion of the operation.

Paste Special: Using this option you can select the task properties that are to be pasted along with the task. On clicking the Paste Special option after copying or cutting a task, Paste Options  window is displayed. Select the checkbox against task information's which are to be copied. Select the checkbox against "Select All" to select entire task information's. The percentage progress is recalculated for both source and target tasks on completion of the operation. Click OK to complete the paste special operation.


Figure: Paste Options window


The position of the task in a WBS can be changed using this option. It is possible to move the task up or down or move the position of the task to the left or right. The following move operations can be carried out on a task. 

Indent:  Indent is applicable only for WBS Levels. After selecting a WBS Level and clicking “Indent” will make the selected level as Child WBS Level immediately above. If the selected task already has sub tasks under it, the entire hierarchy is indented to the new level. 

NOTE: This operation is possible only if there are tasks above the selected task.

Outdent: Out-dent is applicable only for WBS Levels After selecting a WBS Level and clicking “Out-dent” will bring the selected level to the same level of its parent.

NOTE: This operation is possible only if there are parent tasks above the selected tasks.

Move Up: A selected task can be moved up from its current position. The sequence number of the task is changed accordingly.

Move Down: A selected task can be moved down from its current position. In this case also the sequence number of the task is changed accordingly.

Add Related Item

Using this option you can link or refer a task or document to a task. On clicking this option the following window is displayed.

NOTE: Link operation is not applicable for WBS Levels

To add a related item

Schedule options

Before starting to work with a task, it has to be scheduled and a workflow assigned to it. These activities are carried out using the schedule options available in the Task Operations menu. Different options available are explained here.

Schedule: When a task is created it is in the un-scheduled status. After the schedule of activities are fixed, the task is scheduled by the concerned user. The status of the task changes to "SCHEDULED." Once a task is scheduled, it can be changed to un-scheduled status only by revising the task. You can select single or multiple tasks and schedule it.

NOTE: Only users with edit permission in the task genealogy can schedule a task.

To schedule a task

Start Workflow: Once a task is scheduled, a workflow is assigned to the task and the task is send to resources assigned to the task. This is done using the Start Workflow option.

To start workflow

Schedule and Start Workflow: After selecting single or multiple tasks click this option to perform schedule and start workflow operation in a single step. Task is first scheduled and then workflow is started. 

To schedule and start workflow


Using this option you can send a task from the active stage of a workflow to the next stage. Single or multiple tasks in a WBS can be selected and send to the next stage.

NOTE: When sending multiple tasks, ensure that selected tasks are assigned with the same workflow and all the tasks are in the same stage of the workflow.

To send tasks through a workflow

To re-direct to a stage

To select next stage resources

Show Workflow

Click this option to display the workflow assigned to the task. Workflow window is displayed.

Update Client Comments

When a deliverable like an engineering design has been completed and gone through the internal review cycle, the design is released to client for review and approval. Once the document is reviewed by client the comments and the status code marked for the design is sent back. This is updated by client if the client is using WRENCH in the review cycle; else, the document controller updates the same on behalf of the client

To update client comments

Update Internal Response

For documents such as vendor documents which are received from external sources, the review is done by the engineering team and the approval status code is given for the same. This is the internal approval status code. These are also part of the engineering deliverable list and are reviewed through a workflow cycle. 

To update the internal status code


Click this option to remove single or multiple tasks from the WBS. Deleted tasks can be viewed from "View Deleted Tasks" option under WBS.  Transmittal Released documents for which approval status codes are not updated cannot be deleted. 

Update Task Details

There are scenarios where the schedule, workflow and metadata of multiple tasks need to be updated in a single go. In such scenarios this option can be used. Task Details can be updated for single or multiple tasks. 

To update task details for multiple tasks

All the values updated in the task details tab, schedules tab,  workflow tab and checklists tab will get updated in respective tasks while clicking the OK button and other properties remain unaffected. 

On clicking OK button, the following notification is displayed.


Revise Task

Using this option you can revise a completed task.

To revise a task

Flush Workflow

Using this option you can flush the workflow of the selected task. Active workflow of the task will be reset and all the progress will be reversed. Work will restart from initial stage.

Send To Personal Folder

Using this option you can send the selected task to a personal folder.

To send a task to personal folder

Reassign Resources

Using this option, resources in workflow stages can be reassigned. This means you can replace the resources assigned to a workflow stage.

To reassign resources


Using this option you can complete a task manually. Only a task in the final release stage can be completed. The task status changes to Completed.

Bulk Update Progress

In a typical construction project, there will be multiple activities happening at the same time. It would be very difficult for the users to open each task to update progress. To handle this, facility to update progress in bulk is available. Progress can be updated for multiple leave level tasks and multiple parent level task combination or multiple parent level task. 

NOTE: Progress can be updated in bulk only for quantity tasks without project rule sets.

To update progress in bulk for Quantity tasks

To update progress of date based tasks

Filtering Planned Dates

If it is required to update the progress for the tasks from the folder which contains delayed tasks also, a provision for filtering the selected task based on the planned dates in the rule name of tasks is available. By default there will be no selection. The options that can be selected from a drop-down list are Current dayCurrent week and Current month.

When Current Date is selected then all tasks with planned finish date in task rule name equals current date will get filtered.

When Current Week is selected then all tasks in the window with planned finish date in task rule name falling in the current week will get filtered. 

When Current Month is selected, then the all the task in the window with planned finish date in task rule name falling in the current month will get filtered.

Beta Distribution

In conventional planning, the planner decides the start and end dates of all project tasks and the project progress is estimated based on the completion of these tasks (when actual end dates are captured). Here the progress of a task between the start and end is not known.

Beta distribution technique helps to overcome the inconveniences and overheads involved in planning activities related to a construction project.  Task rules may be automatically created for each week / month between the Start and Finish dates of the task and the estimated progress at each of these week / month can be computed using this technique.

While calculating the beta distribution, the alpha value and beta value will be decided by the user. For Example: For a steady progressing task,  both alpha and beta values are defined as 1. For a slow starting but faster finish type of tasks (more work in the beginning)  a larger alpha value is assigned. For a task which has quick progress in the beginning,  larger beta values  is used.

For more information on beta distribution see Working from Task Details window>>Schedules>>Beta Distribution.

Subscribe for Notification

There are a number of events from WBS, to which users can subscribe so that these events will be notified to them by mail. Notifications can be configured for Task and Rule based events. This is a desirable function for a Project manager. Notifications can be configured or inherited.

To configure notifications

Inheriting Notifications

Using this option notifications configured for the selected task can be replaced by the notification configured in the task genealogy.

To inherit notification

Filtering tasks

 Using the Filter option,  tasks can be searched  based on ‘Task Status’, ‘Percentage of Completion’ , Schedule dates etc. 

To filter tasks