Opening the document transmittal window
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Document transmittal window can be opened from the document smart folders. In addition, the document transmittal window can be opened from the global menu by clicking Create>>Transmittal.

To open the document transmittal window

Document transmittal window

The document transmittal window consists of the following sections.

The Tool bar

Transmittal Details window



Transmitting old revision of documents

Old revisions of a document can be released through a transmittal. 

NOTE: This option will be available for a user only if this security is enabled for transmittal module in the security centre and the transmittal type selected is general.

Figure: Transmitting old revision of documents

Once the checkbox next to this option is selected, the options in the tool bar changes as shown in the following figure. Only options Select Columns and Show Filter will be displayed.

On checking this setting, only documents of older revision can be released through the transmittal. After adding documents to the transmittal, change the revision number to an older revision number against each documents. If the user does not change the revision number to an older revision after checking the setting is selected, on saving the transmittal a warning message is displayed.

Once the transmittal is saved, the setting cannot be changed and  appears as disabled. On clicking the document number hyperlink, document details page of the older revision is displayed in a new tab.

NOTE: Only a user with the right to transmit old revision of documents, can release a transmittal with this setting enabled.

The following points can be noted in the case of transmittals for which the setting Transmit Older Revision Documents is selected.

  1. For the transmittals in which the setting ‘Transmit older revision documents’ is selected, it is not possible to add additional documents and release the transmittal again. After a transmittal with the setting Transmit older revision documents’ is released, the edit button will be disabled.
  2. When the setting ‘Transmit older revision documents’ is selected in the transmittal and the older revision of the documents is released,  value changes in the old revision document may contribute to progress update in project rule set. In such cases, the corresponding rules are to be updated with actual dates if not already completed.