Working with reverse bidding sessions (Bid Room)
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Vendors may login to SmartProject and access the published bids, enter the rates, and submit the bid details. The lowest bidder at the end of the bid will be declared as the vendor. The published bids will be available in the bid room.

To open bid room

Viewing live bid details

Bid details for a single live bid can be viewed at a time.

To view live bid details

Submitting the bid

Once the bid details are verified, bid can be submitted.

To submit the bid

NOTE: If the new Bid amount is larger than the current winning amount an alert message, Failed to submit. Bid amount is larger than the current winning amount is displayed. If the bid amount is larger than the next bid maximum value, an alert  message Bid amount exceeds the ‘Next Bid Maximum’. Reduce the bid amount further is displayed. If the bid amount is lesser than the next bid minimum value, an alert message, Bid amount exceeds the ‘Next Bid Minimum’. Increase the bid amount further is displayed. If the new Bid amount total falls below the Minimum Cut off amount set by the user, an alert message, New Bid amount is less than the Minimum cut off amount specified. You may be making a loss. Do you wish to proceed? is displayed.

Closing the bid

Bids can be closed in different ways.

Auto Close when the Bid ending Date/Time is elapsed

If the setting ‘Extend Bidding when last session has winning bids’ is OFF, the bidding session is closed automatically when the bid ending date/time has elapsed. If the setting ON and there are no winning bids in challenging session, the bidding session is closed automatically after the bid ending date/time has elapsed.

Auto Close after unchallenged session 

If the setting Automatically Close Bidding after first unchallenged session is ON, the bid gets closed automatically after any unchallenged session.

Terminating a bid

Bid may be terminated by a user having ‘Manage’ permission, from the Bid Logs window. 

To close a bid

  1. In the Live Bid window click the Close Bid button.

A message Do you wish to close the bidding session is displayed.

  1. Click Yes to close.

Reverse bidding session is closed and a message Reverse bid session closed successfully is displayed.

Once the Bid is closed, all the operation buttons in the window is changed to disabled state and Bid status is changed to ‘Closed’. 

For more information see:

Managing Live Bid (Reverse Bidding)

Creating a Reverse Bid

Publishing a Reverse Bid

Monitoring a reverse bidding session

Notification for Vendors