- In the tool bar click Baseline.
- In the menu displayed click Create Baseline.

Figure: Creating a baseline
Baseline Details window is displayed.

Figure: Baseline Details window
- Click Create Baseline. Baseline created successfully message is displayed.
- In the tool bar click Baseline.
- In the menu displayed click Create Baseline.

Figure: Viewing Baseline history
BOQ Baseline History window is displayed. Baselines will be displayed in the window with latest on the top.

Figure: BOQ Baseline History window
- Click the hyperlink View to view the baseline details against any previous baseline which is created. Baseline details window is displayed.

Figure: Baseline Details window
For old baselines, an information text, This is not the latest Revision of BOQ is displayed in red font.
- Select the base line that is to be removed and in the tool bar click Remove.
A message Do you want to remove the selected Baseline is displayed.
- Click Yes. Baseline Details removed successfully message is displayed.
The selected baseline is removed from the window.