Editing package details
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Packages can be modified by users who created the package or by the administrators.

Opening the package for editing

For modifying the package first you have to open the package and enable the edit mode

To open the package

  1. Select the package you want to modify.
  2. In the tab strip click Open.

The selected package is opened.

  1. In the Package Details tab strip click the Edit button.

The package is in the edit mode and you can start modifying the details. You can use the following navigation table for finding details changing package details.



Modify basic properties

Modifying basic properties

Manage documents in package

Managing documents in package

Modify package approvers and reviewers

Modifying package approvers and reviewers

Modify transmittal information

Modifying transmittal information

Modifying basic properties

The basic properties that can be changed are:

Package Description

Package Completion Due Date: This date can be modified until the package is approved.

Managing documents in the package

You can add new documents to the package and remove existing documents in the package. While managing documents in the package you can take into consideration the following points.


NOTE: In the document grid you can add and remove the columns and change the order in which they are displayed. The columns and their order once defined will be cached and would be available next time when the window is loaded.

Modifying package approvers and reviewers

Existing approvers or reviewers can be removed from the package and new approvers or reviewers can be added to the package. Once you open a package and click the Approvers tab or Reviewer tab (in the case of suppliers packages) options to add and remove approvers is available in the too strip. These options are displayed if the edit mode is enabled. Edit mode is enabled by clicking the Edit button in the tab strip.

Figure: Adding and removing approvers

NOTE: Once an approver or reviewer is added after the package is submitted, ensure the document is made available to the newly added approver or reviewer.

Modifying transmittal information

In authorisation packages, once a package is approved, a release transmittal is send. In the case of suppliers packagers when all the reviewers accept all the document then package is released through a transmittal. The details of the transmittal can be pre-defined in both the cases. You can modify the pre-defined transmittal properties. The following transmittal properties can be modified before the transmittal is released.