Reviewing, submitting and completing a suppliers package
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Reviewing of a package involves the following activities.

Reviewing a Package

A package submitted for review will be available for the reviewers under their Pending My Approval tab.

To open the package for review

  1. In the Global Menu click Package Manager.
  2. In the Package Manager details window click Pending My Approval tab.

List of packages are displayed.

  1. Choose the package you want to open.
  2. In the tool strip click Open.

Package Details window is displayed.

  1. Click Edit to enable review tools in the package. In the edit mode review tools become enabled.


Once the package is opened you can carry out the  operations mentioned in the following navigation table to complete the review.



Open for commenting

Opening for commenting

Attach Comments

Attaching comments

Complete Documents

Completing Documents

View Comments

Viewing Comments

Update Internal Status Code

Updating Internal Status Code

Consolidate Comments

Consolidating Comments

Release transmittal and complete the package

Releasing transmittal and Complete the package

Opening for commenting

A document in the package is selected and opened for commenting by the reviewer.

To open for commenting

Attaching comments

After reviewing the document, and entering the comment, the commented document is attached back.

To attach comments

Completing the documents

Once comment file is attached the lead reviewer closes the document by completing it.

To complete the document after review

Viewing Comments

The lead reviewer before consolidating the comments views the comments.

To view the comments

Updating Internal Status Code

The lead reviewer selects a document and updates the internal status code for the document.

To update internal status code

Consolidating Comments

 After updating the internal status code, next step is to consolidate the review comments of different reviewers into a single file.

To consolidate review comments

Releasing transmittal and completing the package

It is the document controller who releases a transmittal and completes the package.

To release the transmittal

To complete the package