Export/Import Bookings
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Booking resources or roles in bulk for a set of tasks can be carried out from WBS. Following facilities will be available. These options will be available under the menu item Export/Import Bookings in the Import and Export menu in WBS window. An import template is generated, template is populated with resource booking details and is saved and the booking details is imported. All the booking details can be exported to an excel file, edited and the updated booking details can be updated in the system.

Figure: Export/Import Bookings menu

Following facilities will be available. These options will be available under the menu item Export/Import Manual rules in the Import and Export menu in WBS window.

Generate Template

Import Bookings

Export Bookings

Update Bookings

Generating an import template

First step in importing bookings is to generate an import template. 

To generate an import template

  1. In the Import/Export menu, under the group Bookings, click Export/Import Bookings.
  2. In the pop-up menu click Generate Template. Generate Template window is displayed.

Figure: Generate Template window

  1. In the window select the resources. 
  2. Click OK to generate a template.

If the setting next to the option Duplicate tasks for each Resource is selected, template is generated in the existing style. If the checkbox next to this option is not selected, a different template is generated. The template generated for Role is shown in the following figure.

Figure: Import Template-Role

Template generated for Resource is shown in the following figure.

Figure: Import Template - Resource

  1. Enter values in the generated template and save the template file.

Importing Bookings

Once the booking details are entered and saved in the generated excel template, next step is to import the details to SmartProject.

To import bookings

  1. In the menu click Import Bookings.

File selection window is displayed.

  1. Select the save template file. Booking data in the file are imported to the system.

Export Bookings

Booking details can be exported to an MS Excel sheet. 

To export booking details

  1. Select the tasks that contain the booking details that are to be exported.
  2. In the menu click Export Bookings.

Export Template window is displayed.

  1. Select the Roles or Resources that are to be imported and click OK.

Selected items are exported to an MS Excel file.

Updating bookings

Details in the export template can be edited and booking details in the task can be updated. 

To update bookings

  1. In the menu click Update Bookings

File selection window is displayed.

  1. Select the export file with edited manual rule details.
  2. Click Open to continue with the Update operation.