Working from task details window
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All the task related properties will be available in the Task Properties window. The properties can be categorized to Basic Task Details, Document Details, Origin Details, System Details, Advanced Details, Approval Status Code Details, Receipt Details and Custom Details properties.

These properties and their classifications can be defined to a task genealogy according to the need of the organization and specific users. This operation is carried out by the administrator.

Opening the task details window

To open the task details window

  1. Select a task smart folder.
  2. Click a task in the folder.

Task Details window is displayed.

Task Details window

The task details window comprises of the following.

  1. The button strip on the top.
  2. A customizable tab strip where different operations can be displayed as tabs.
  3. An area that displays different information.

Figure: Task Details window

The menu that is displayed when you hover the mouse over the arrow button assists you in switching to different sections in the task details window. 

The button strip at the top is further divided into the following sections.







Related Files



Task History

Operations Log


Event Log

Operations from the tab strip

In the tab strip of the task details window, different document related operations are displayed as tabs. These tabs can be added or removed from the tab strip. Only five operations can be displayed in the tab strip at a time. The remaining operations are displayed under the more icon. 

Figure: Operations from task details window

Different operations that can be carried from the task details window are explained in the following section.





Pin to smart folder

Unpin from smart folder


View Specter

Create Task

Task Hierarchy