Creating a task and scheduling a task
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A task is an assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time. Effective task management involves managing all aspects of a task, including its status, priority, time, human and financial resources. All the aspects of a task can be defined in the task properties window. This includes Task Name, Task Genealogy, Document genealogy, Approval Requirement description, Document Number, Sheet Number, Client document number and Vendor document number. Entering tasks in the order in which it will be executed helps in easier monitoring of the tasks.

Tasks in Wrench are grouped under different Task genealogies. Tasks with common features can be grouped in the same genealogy. Grouping tasks under genealogies helps in easier handling of tasks.

Adding a task creates a new task in the WBS. When WBS is a hierarchical structure, depending on the level at which the task is created, tasks are broadly categorised as “WBS Level Tasks” and “Tasks”. WBS Levels are created at the different levels of a WBS and Tasks are created under the WBS Level. Users with edit WBS permission can create new WBS Levels in WBS. Those resources assigned to WBS Level with “Manage” permission may create WBS Levels/tasks under such WBS Levels.

NOTE: Tasks are created under the WBS Level. Resources assigned to WBS Level with “Manage” permission may create WBS Levels/tasks under such WBS Levels.

Creating a task

A task can be added from the smart folder handling tasks. Also a task can be created from the WBS. Tasks can be created from WBS Level & Task LayoutTask Layout and Combined Layout.

When a task is created in WBS Level & Task Layout all the WBS Levels created will be available in this view. A task can be created in the following ways.

  1. Select a WBS Level or Summary Task and create a task under this. The WBS Code of the selected Summary will be assigned to the task’s “Parent WBS Code”.
  2. Also while creating a task you can assign a Parent WBS Code. The task will be added under the selected Parent WBS Code.

All the procedures for creating the WBS Level is applicable for creating a Tasks. Only difference is that the task once created, is displayed under the parent task.

To create a task from WBS

To create a task from smart folder

Entering task properties

Task properties are grouped under different panes. Enter values the following task properties displayed in the pane.

Basic Task Details

Document Details

Origin Details

System Details

Area Details

Approval Status Code Details

Submission Details

Custom Details


  1. Click Create to complete creation of the task.
  1. Click OK to save the task.

After creating the task, you can enter value for different properties in the task, add resources and assign a workflow.  By clicking different buttons in the button strip you can open different sections where you can enter task properties. For more information on entering task properties refer Working from Task Details window. Once all the task properties are entered you can schedule the task.

NOTE: Activities like assigning resources, attaching documents, correspondences and assigning workflows are usually carried out after scheduling the task.

Entering schedule details

Schedule details are different dates that is assigned to a task. Basic schedules dates of  the task like start and Finish date is entered here. 

NOTE: Option Edit Schedule Dates will be selected by default.

To enter schedule details

Adding task resources

Resources are specifically the people who are allocated to the respective project or to the particular work element within the project, and whose time can be allocated accordingly. Identifying and assigning proper resources for a task is very important. The overall progress of a task depends on the effort of the resources assigned to the task. WRENCH classifies the resources into two.

Resources for the particular Task will be assigned here. If Privileged Task Access Resources are defined, only those resources will be able to edit the particular Task.

You can add task resources and privileged task view resources to the task. You can also remove the resources from the task. Once you schedule a task and assign workflow, the workflow resources will be assigned to the task.

NOTE: If Privileged Task resources are assigned for a task, only those resources are able to edit that particular task. Else all those resources who have " Edit WBS" permission in the Project and " Manage" permission in WBS module can edit tasks in that WBS.

To add task resources

  1. After adding resources, if you have any remarks or comments enter them under the Remarks tab. 
  2. Click Create to complete the creation of the task.

Figure: Creating the task

On clicking Create, Task Details window is displayed. For more information on elements in the task details window see Working from Task Details window.

Resource Booking

Like in project, in the WBS also, time can be booked against a role/ resource.  This option will be available only if in the Project>>Resource>>Resource Booking>>Settings, Time Booking Level is selected as WBS.

Figure: Time Booking Level

Booking can be made against a Role or Resource. This again depends on the selection made against Time Booking Mode.

Resource based booking

In projects where accurate planning is required, time planning is performed at the user level. Time that each user is expected to spent can be booked for specific time periods, which can be compared against the actual time spent (captured in Timesheet).

To make a resource based booking

Role based booking

Time required for each role is defined at the project level and the actual time spent can be captured using the timesheet. Though booking time against each user may be accurate, in large projects this is not practical. Hence planning at the role level makes it easier with appreciable level of accuracy.

To make a role based booking

Distributing a time booking

Planned person hours or time booking specified against a role or resource can be distributed across the defined time interval. This can be done either manually or automatically.

To distribute time booking