Comparing Vendor Bids
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After the bids have been submitted by vendors and bids are opened for evaluation, the procurement  or project team  compare the bids received and select the most suitable vendor to issue the purchase orders.

After the bids are compared and suitable vendors are shortlisted, the industry practices is to issue a recommendation letter containing the list of recommended vendors. This will be referred to when issuing purchase orders in the project.

After the tenders have been submitted, the procurement team  compares the latest revision of bids after Bid opening Date. Two types of comparison available are Vendor comparison and Revision wise comparison.

NOTE:  When user selects a bid that is unopen and click the option ‘Vendor comparison” a warning message The bid is not open yet for vendor comparison is displayed.

To carry out a vendor comparison

Adding Recommended Vendors

Certain organizations select the final vendor to issue the Purchase order only from a list of recommended vendors. This is to ensure  that proper technical and commercial bid evaluation is made before issuing the PO and recommendation list is prepared based on these analysis. In scenarios where a PMC is handling tenders, they create a recommendation letter, confirming the selected vendors. The letter is then sent to the ‘Client’

To add recommended vendors

Adding recommendation attachments

Recommended vendors are usually finalized based on technical and commercial comparison sheets. Prior to making the recommendation, it is required to attach these documents. Also the official recommendation letter.can also be attached.

To add attachments

Removing and Downloading recommendation attachments

Option to remove the attachment and download the attachment is available in the window.

To remove an attachment

Exporting Comparison Details

Comparison details can be exported to an MS Excel file. 

To export comparison details

Issuing Purchase Orders

Once comparison is completed, purchase orders can be issued.

To issue purchase orders

Comparing Vendor bids revision wise

User can compare the rate details submitted/saved against each revisions submitted by a vendor.

To compare vendor bids revision wise

Viewing vendor uploaded documents

After the bids have been submitted, documents uploaded by vendors can  be opened and viewed.

To view  vendor upload documents