Cost Master
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Cost codes are used to help manage cost of various items and activities in a project,. The various types of costs are defined, prior to preparing a project plan. These codes may be assigned to the tasks in project plan for monitoring the ‘Planned’ and ‘Actual’ cost at the plan level. Cost codes are created at the organizational level. Each cost code may be assigned with a category for broadly grouping similar costs together. 

Creating a Cost Code

Cost Code is created from the Cost Code Master window.

To create a cost code

To create a top level cost code

To create a sub level cost code

Editing a Cost Code

Cost Codes can be edited from the Cost Code Master window.

To edit a cost code

Importing Cost Codes

It is possible to import cost codes in bulk from data prepared in an MS Excel  template. This becomes handy when number of cost codes is very large and it is prepared externally. In such cases a cost code import template is generated, data is entered in the template and saved. After this data is imported to the system.

To generate an import template

To import cost code details

To view log of bulk operation

Assigning cost codes to project types

Cost Codes can be assigned to single or multiple project types.

To assign project types