User Accounts
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You can manage  Users and User Groups  from User Accounts Master. Different topics in managing users and user groups are discussed in the  following sections. They are mentioned in the following navigation table.



Open User Master Window

Opening User Master Window

Enter User Details

Entering Basic and Advanced User Details

Assign Project to a User

Assigning Projects to a User

Select Roles for the User

Selecting Roles for the User

Define User Settings

Defining User Settings

Define windows authentication settings

Defining windows authentication settings

Remove a User

Deleting a User

Manager User and User Group Creation

Managing User and User Group Creation

System User Operations

Operation carried out by system user

Opening User Master window

To open user master window

To add a new user

Entering basic and advanced user details

  1. Enter the following mandatory details in the window.

Basic Details (Mandatory)






This is the unique identification using which a user can log into WRENCH. The login name can be alphabets, numbers or a combination of these (alphanumeric characters.) If the login name specified is that of an active or disabled user saving the account is not permitted and a warning message is displayed.



The name of the user for whom account is being created.



Enter a designation or official name for the user being created.



Select a discipline from the drop-down list. Pre-defined list of disciplines are available.



Specify the category to which the user belongs from a drop-down list. You can select from Internal, Customer, Other Unit and Vendor.

  1. Click Set Password button next to LOGIN NAME to set a password for the user. Set Password box is displayed.
  2. Enter a Password and re-enter the password to confirm. 

NOTE: When a user account is created, if there is no password specified, but if an email address is specified, a temporary password is created automatically. When the email address and passwords are not specified, if the setting ‘Enforce strong password’ is ON, user creation is aborted, and a warning message is displayed.

Figure: Set Password window

  1. Enter details like EMAIL ID, MOBILE, PHONE and FAX.

Advance Details

  1. Enter the following Advanced Details.






Enter the unique staff code assigned to this user.



Enter a unique initial to identify the user.



Enter the nationality. Nationality is the country to which the user belongs to.



  1. Click the hyperlink Details to enter the hourly cost for the user. On clicking Details, Resource Internal Cost Details window is displayed.
  2. In the window click Add.

Add Internal Cost Details window is displayed.

Figure: Resource Internal Cost Details window

  1. Enter the date from which the rate will be in effect and the Internal Cost Per Hour and click OK.

Entered details are saved.



Enter the city to which the user belongs to.



Enter the address of the user.



Enter the pin number of the city.

  1. After entering basic and advanced details click Save

NOTE: Once the user account is successfully created, if there is an email address for the user, a notification mail is sent to the user informing about the account creation and the password.

User Groups window is displayed. 

Figure: Add New User window

  1. Groups already created is displayed here. Select a User Group for the user by selecting the checkbox next the user group displayed in the window and click Save. The selected group will be the primary group of the user. Also, a new group can be created.
  2. Click New Group to create a User Group. New Group window is displayed.

Figure: New Group window

  1. Enter a Group Name
  2. Select the checkbox next to Project Manager's Group, if the users in the specified group are to be specified as Project Managers. 
  3. Click OK. Saved Successfully message is displayed.
  4. Select the checkbox next the group created and, in the toolbar, click Save.
  5. If mandatory custom properties are assigned to the User Origin, User Custom Property Details window will be displayed. Update values for the custom properties and click Save
  6. User Created Successfully message is displayed. Click OK to continue.

Details of the created user is displayed in the window. Option to define User Settings, and assign the user to a project and role will be available in the window.

Figure: User Details window

Assigning Project to the user

Project can be assigned to a user.

To assign user to a Project

Selecting roles for the user

Users may be member of multiple groups, but their roles in different project may vary. Role of the user in different Projects can be defined if multiple Projects are assigned to a User.

To define roles in a Project

Defining User Settings

In addition to basic and advanced user details, additional settings can be defined for a user.

To define user settings

Defining windows authentication settings

The tedious task of maintaining multiple passwords; one for windows login and another for logging in to WRENCH is avoided by making use of this facility.

To define windows authentication settings

Deleting a User

While creating a user from User Master there are chances of error occurring in user name or login name. It is possible to delete a user account before it  is active. 

To delete a user

Disabling Users

Personal details of a user like (Email id, Address, Mobile number, Nationality, Signature, Image) are stored in the system. Under GDPR guidelines, data controllers and processors are obliged to remove all personal data after the end of services, or on expiry of a contract or agreement. To implement this, a provision to remove personal details is available in SmartProject. This will help to remove the personal information of a user permanently from databases and backups.

To remove data permanently

  1. After selecting a user from User Master, in the tool bar click  Disable

A message Do you want to Disable the selected User is displayed. In the message box  if the checkbox next to the option  Permanently remove user’s profile details is selected, on clicking YES user details are permanently removed from the system.

NOTE: When administrator enables a disabled user, and if the checkbox next to Permanently remove user’s profile details is selected while disabling, user will be enabled without any personal date. Administrator needs to provide all the personal data.

Managing disabled users

When a resource resigns from the organization or validity of contract user expires, administrator needs to disable the user from the user master. By doing so, the status of the users will change to ‘Disabled’ but they are still displayed in user master. For an organization which has been using smart project for a long period, there may be handful of users who were disabled, but are still displayed in user master. This results in filtering the active users from the disabled users difficult. Hence, a facility to filter the disabled users, and to delete such users is provided.

To manage disabled users

  1. In the User Master toolbar click Show Disabled User.

Disabled Users window is displayed.

Figure: Disabled Users

All the users that are disabled will be displayed here.

To delete a disabled user

To enable a disabled user

Unlocking a locked user

Emerging security requirements, recommends user accounts to be locked out after a predefined number of failed attempts. Based on the authentication configurations, a user account gets locked. A locked account usually is unlocked automatically after a specific period. Unlocking a locked user account manually is also possible.

To unlock a locked user account

Exporting user list

There are scenarios where a project manager needs to see the list of users under a specific group like Reviewers. In such cases, the project manager makes a request to the administrator to generate an excel file with details of the users. Hence, a facility to export the users list from the user master is available 

To export user list

Managing User and User Group creation in master

Rights permitted to different roles to manage Users and User Group are mentioned in the following table.



User Master

User Group

Admin User

Create New User

Edit User


Assign User to a Group

Create new group

Edit group

Manage Users

Manage Group admins

Manage Calendars

Admin Group User

Create New User

Edit User


Assign User to a Group

Create new group

Edit group

Manage Users

Manage Group admins

Manage Calendars

Group Admin

With permissions

Without permissions

Create New User

Edit User


Assign User to a Group (In which logged in User is a Group Admin or Groups without Group Admins)

No Action can be performed

Manage Users (In which logged in User is a Group Admin or Groups without Group Admins)

Manage Calendars (In which logged in User is a Group Admin or Groups without Group Admins)

No Action can be performed

User with Permissions

With permissions

Create New User

Edit User


Assign User to a Group (Groups without Group Admins)

Manage Users (Groups without Group Admins)

Manage Calendars (Groups without Group Admins)

Currently, the system assigns the creator of a user group as "Group Admin". From this build version creator of user group is not assigned as Group Admin.

System User 

The SYSTEM user will have permissions to perform all operations expect log in. Log In permission is denied for the SYSTEM user due to security reasons. It can be used only for performance internal operations when required automatically. When a user attempt to login using the ‘SYSTEM’ account, the operation is aborted with an alert shown below.

 While accessing the document  links, instead of using credentials of guest user, system will use ‘SYSTEM’ user’s credentials to retrieve the files.