Creating rules and defining rule criteria
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Rules can be created for smart folders and based on these rules objects can be moved to the smart folders.

Manual Rule will be selected by default while opening the smart Folder creation window.

User can either copy the rule from another smart folder or create a fresh rule. 

NOTE: Rules can be created after creating smart folders. In this case select the created smart folder and in the menu click Edit. Smart Folder Creation window is displayed.

On clicking the browse button next to Copy Rule from, all the smart folders created by that user in the selected Smart Folder Type will be listed. On Selecting the desired Smart Folder, the rules given for that selected folder will be inherited for new Smart Folder. If a smart folder is selected again, current rule will get appended to the rule given in the selected smart folder. User can add further rules if needed.

To create a rule

Assigning system rules to smart folders

Folders can be created and labelled  according to your need. System Criteria defined in WRENCH can be assigned to these folders. In this way you can create folders for managing your mails, documents, tasks, submittals and transmittals.

To create folders for managing incoming mails

To configure folders for moving latest released transmittals

To configure folders for moving Task Sent Items 

To configure folders for moving sent submittals  or received submittals

Editing smart folders

Properties define for a smart folder can be edited. Smart Folder name and rule can be changed or edited but Smart folder type cannot be edited or changed. 

To edit a smart folder

Viewing the creator of the  folder

Sometimes when a user needs the Manage right in smart folder, creator or publisher of a smart folder is to be contacted. Hence a provision to view details of the creator of the smart folder is available.

To view folder creator details

Select a smart folder and In the right-click menu click Properties.

On clicking the option, Properties window is displayed. Here entire detail on creation of Smart Folder will be available.

Figure: Properties window


Unique identifier of the folder is displayed.

Folder Name

Full name of the folder.

Created By

User Name of the creator of the smart folder.

Created On

Date of creation and time 

Last Edited By

Name of the user who modified the smart folder details. 

Last Edited On

The latest date on which smart folder details was modified.

Last Published By

The user who last published the folder to the logged-in user. 

Last Published On

Latest date on which the folder was published to the logged in user.