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In any organisation, work allocation is dynamic in accordance with the change in availability of people. Even though there are pre-approved work schedules, often people may need to go off work (on leave etc.) and hence work needs to be temporarily delegated to others. Delegation module in SmartProject hosts all relevant functionality to make such temporary changes to work assignments. 

Opening delegation module

Delegation module is opened from the global menu.

To open delegation module

Creating a delegation

All users with ‘Delegation module’ configured are permitted to raise delegation request. ADMIN user can raise delegation request on behalf of other users also.

To create a delegation

Editing a delegation

Changes can be made to the delegation request which is in Active status.

To edit a delegation request

Cancelling delegations

Delegations can be cancelled by the person who created the delegation or administrator any time before the delegation end date elapses. When delegations are cancelled before the delegation start date, the entry will be removed. When cancelled is carried after the delegation start date, status of the delegation will change to Cancelled. 

Figure: Cancelling delegation requests

Notification will be sent when an active request is cancelled. Format of the external mail sent is displayed in the following figure.

Figure: Delegation canceled notification

Completing delegations

A delegation request is completed once the ‘To date’ is elapsed. Status of the request is changed to ‘Completed’.

Figure: Completed deletion requests

A notification mail is sent when the delegation request is completed. Format of the external mail sent is displayed in the following figure.

Figure: Delegation completed notification

Viewing delegation history

Delegator  can view the series of events or action items delegated during the period of delegation request. ADMIN can view the history of all delegation request, but other users can only view the history of requests created by them. 

To view delegation history

To export delegation history