Vendor Management
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In typical infrastructure projects, large number of vendors are involved, supplying a number of material and services during the projects. Identifying appropriate vendors for the supply of each item is critical for the success of each project.

In most organisation, project supplies are accepted from approved vendors. There are different processes and standards practiced in different organisations for vendor registration and approval. WRENCH SmartProject provides a standard system for registering and pre qualifying vendors.

In most industry scenario, vendor registration is initiated by vendors directly by providing details about the vendor organisation, list of products and services offered, list of locations where they operate etc. There will be pre designed templates prescribed for registration. Such templates are usually accessible from the organisation’s web site, which the vendors may access. The information provided during registration are reviewed by competent authorities and approved/ rejected. Those approved are eligible for participating in pre-qualifications for projects and when qualified can supply material/ services to the project.

The following topics are mentioned in detail.

Opening Vendor Management Utility

Certifying Vendors

Managing Certified Vendors

Vendor Registration using pre-qualification Templates

Creating a Vendor Management Team

Managing Prequalification