Importing Legacy Transmittals
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When an organization starts using SmartProject they may only import the current revisions of documents and send transmittals for those documents using the transmittal module. But there may be scenarios where legacy transmittals need to be imported into SmartProject.  For Example:  While generating reports, currently, there are no provisions to import legacy transmittals into SmartProject. Hence a facility to import legacy transmittal is provided.

Legacy Transmittal metadata is imported into SmartProject using an MS Excel template. 

To generate an excel template

Creating a customised template

A customised template as per the requirement of the organisation can also be created and this template can be selected from the Download Template window.

To create a customised template

Importing transmittals

After a template is generated enter values for different properties as shown in the sample template in the following figure.

Figure: Import templates with values

To import legacy transmittals