Importing Main Documents and Reference Documents
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When multiple documents are created as a batch, the documents can be added only into a single genealogy. If multiple documents are added into Smart Project through file uploader, there must be physical file attached to each document. There are scenarios where a planning engineer creates only documents with metadata and then sends it to the draftsman where the draftsman uploads the physical file for each corresponding document with metadata. In  such scenarios where  multiple documents needs to uploaded to different genealogies. option to import from templates will be helpful.

Some organizations have an AWP (Advance work package) document, to which vendor documents and technical documents are attached as reference documents. The AWP documents are added to SmartProject in bulk. To address this facility to add reference documents in bulk is also available.

Generating document import template

For importing, first a import template is generated, document properties are entered in the template file and the details are imported to system.

To generate a template

Importing from Excel

Document properties entered in the generated excel template is imported to SmartProject.

To import from excel

Managing Templates

Customized import templates can be created and these templates can be selected while downloading template using Select Template option. 

To create a template

Importing Reference Documents

Reference documents can also be imported in bulk using an MS Excel Import template. 

Generating reference document import template

The template for bulk referring documents can be downloaded.

To download the import template

  1. In the global menu click Utilities>>Import Data.
  2. In the menu displayed place the mouse pointer over Documents. A menu is displayed.
  3. In the menu place the mouse pointer over Reference Documents.
  4. In the menu displayed click Download Template.

Template for downloading reference documents is displayed.

  1. Enter values in the different columns. Entering values in the columns Main Document Number and Reference Document Number is mandatory. 
  2. After entering the required values save the file.

To import the documents to smartproject

Bulk Operation Log

Status of a bulk import operation can be verified from the bulk operations log.

To view the log of bulk import operations